Why do people think the Axe Fx 2 is worth the money? (TSE vs. Axe FX)

This is one thing I don't understand:

Surely commercial developers (Amplitube, S-Gear, Guitar Rig) have a Kemper and Axe as part of their R&D and have been analysing and comparing their sims against them, along with mic'd amps that are modelled, and must have some quantitative idea where their sims depart from the real thing / Kemper / Axe. There is nothing the Kemper or Axe is doing that an Intel i7 couldn't do. It's only a matter of time before they catch up - and I think x50 and S-Gear have.

Now, the Axe is using cabinet IRs, the same as amp sims, so when Mr Developer runs a sine sweep through his sim and the real thing/Axe/Kemper of an equivalent amp (or VST analyser equivalent), surely it's clear as day where the discrepancies are. I mean, if you're not prepared to be the best at what you do, why bother? And the way to be the best is to understand how your competitors' products are (or perceived) to be better than yours.

I'm not a developer of amp sims, but I'd like someone to chime in who is to tells us exactly where they think the weakest link in amp sims are.

I refer to amp and cab sims, not FX units, which I'm aware the Axe excels at.

That's always the presumption...that it's just a matter of coding but if it comes down to horsepower and the older models of Axe FX and Pod HD were struggling with CPU on a machine running a bare bones operating system I guess an ampsim demanding 90% of someone's CPU is going to be a problem. What about transistor amps? They don't use software to make their sound...maybe Kemper and AxeFX are a hyrbid of software and hardware to create their tones? Is it fair to say that Kemper/Axe are just computers in a tin and nothing more?

I guess another thing it will come down to is the Kemper and AxeFX are probably created by a larger team of people while most amp sims are hobby gear made by an individual enthusiast (these people are geniuses in my mind).

I do agree that amp sims are getting better and better over time. But can anyone tell me if the PodFarm amp sim exactly matches that of it's hardware equivalent?
We run amp sims live from a laptop. Flawless performance every time.

i'm not saying it is impossible, but sure you agree there are more elegant ways.
Apart from sound quality which I am a noob at; 1 dedicated device for your whole signal chain and automation is just extremely practical and is in my eyes the major buying incentive.

Axe FX is the cure for G.A.S.
or so I thought:heh:

but i guess this is the same discussion as buying an apple or a gibson guitar or whatever brand that charges top dollar for the name alone. Some find it worth it, others don't. But there's no point in trying to prove each other wrong.
software amp sims and sound was never a big problem for me, it's more the "indirect" and "limp" feeling when playing.
even if the latency is set to very low it's still hard for me to track accurately usinf vst amps. no t the case with my axe fx ii.
Made this test today ;)

1 - Real 5150 + Real Cab + Real sm57.
2 - Real Peavey 5150 preamp signal + Mesa IR.
3 - Nothing it's real hahaha TSE X50 + Mesa IR.

Stay Metal!
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