Axe on Rehearsal Tapes

He's no lopez, but you can't help buy admire the guy. After seeing the rehearsal tapes, he just seems like a mellow guy and extremely cool, stutter or no. I've met Mike, Peter and Mendez, all cool guys. Now I kinda wanna meet Axe.
lol i don't think a stutter's a bad thing, and i think *leave him alone* calls from people say a lot about how people perceive stutterers- as if it's a flaw rather than a trait. it's not a trait i associate with DM drummers but then again it doesn't bother me either way!
He seemed like a nice guy in Rehearsal Tapes... and funny too. :D

You know, Lopez is one of my great inspirations when it comes to drumming. But after listening to the album a few times, I have to say that Axe is right up there with him! Perhaps not as innovative as Lopez with the more mellow parts, but his playing is quality from start to finish.
i'd love to discuss axe, he's a terrific guy, i met him i nmontreal, i was wearing a bloodbath shirt, and he goes, nice shirt, and i, he laughed, talked to us for a bit, definatly one of the best guys ive ever met, really friendly and enthusiastic

haha nice
They all seem like cool people to hang out with and I hope to meet them all one day.

But enough about Axe, has anyone met Erik, his evil twin?
I noticed that too. It's not a big deal. I've got a bit of a stutter too. Doesn't happen much though.
Looks like a lot people people posting in here only read half of the top post.

He seems like a great guy, and shit he's a good drummer.
I just got Watershed, watched the DVD and I noticed that Axe does slightly stutter with his speech in the DVD, but it's not really something I'd pay much attention into. He seems like a nice guy though.

At first I wasn't sure about Axe's playing, but he's a good drummer without a doubt.

...And oh yeah, Watershed is a good album.
I think there's a lot of false negativity circulating in this thread. I'm sure the consensus is,

'Axe is an ace drummer, I acknowledge a slight stutter, but it's simply an observation'.