Axel Rudi Pell for Progpower!


Feb 11, 2002
New York
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Sitting here watching the latest ARP DVD, I think they would be a great and long overdue fit for the festival. Johnny is one hell of a singer and Axel actually writes some great songs. Any thoughts around here?
Sitting here watching the latest ARP DVD, I think they would be a great and long overdue fit for the festival. Johnny is one hell of a singer and Axel actually writes some great songs. Any thoughts around here?

I'd second that request. Axel Rudi Pell (and Johnny Gioeli) rule!
I'd have to check out the latest DVD, but another I have is kind of boring. It was maybe one step up from watching a Fates DVD. The music is great though, would be a good fit I think.
only if Jeff Scott Soto is the singer...But AXP has too much of a back catalog
We talk about this once a year or half year, and every time it seems like people forget that the budget for an ARP show would eat up more than half of Glenn's budget (and that's for a band that is NOT a headliner at PPUSA).

ARP is huuuuuuge in Germany - he is so big that he can do 10 shows a year and make enough money on those to not have to do anything else all year, except perhaps write a new album (it seems like the Blackmore songbook is an everflowing stream of "inspiration").

We talk about this once a year or half year, and every time it seems like people forget that the budget for an ARP show would eat up more than half of Glenn's budget (and that's for a band that is NOT a headliner at PPUSA).

ARP is huuuuuuge in Germany - he is so big that he can do 10 shows a year and make enough money on those to not have to do anything else all year, except perhaps write a new album (it seems like the Blackmore songbook is an everflowing stream of "inspiration").


Lets get the bastard to lower his price; I'm in for sponsorship. It's not like shooting for Avantasia where multiple guests are needed. Unless the guy just doesn't care..... Who knows.
I'm a fan, but two problems. First, what Claus said. If he's that big in Europe, then Glenn would probably be shelling out more than the US interest in him would justify. Second, although I love his albums, I'm not so enamored with his set list choices, and there's a lot of clunkers in his discography that go on forever.

The idea of Axel Rudi Pell at Progpower is probably better than the reality of it by a long shot. ALthough I'd love to be proven wrong.
then Glenn would probably be shelling out more than the US interest in him would justify.

Unfortunately, this is the case for several "veteran" bands from Europe, especially that are on the downward slope of their career. I'm not bashing any band in that situation as I understand 100%. The band is their day job so to speak and they need to make money in order to reward the time they put into their appearance. Unless you are a headline draw, then you are not going to make that sort of coin here.

I offer one hell of a promotional vacation though! :heh:
I offer one hell of a promotional vacation though! :heh:

That could be a point for someone like Axel Rudi Pell? Getting a lesser paycheck, but having a real great time while playing a first US show ever on a "sort of" vacation?

If he's already financially fit by playing 10 or so gigs every year, then why ProgPower could not be a "bonus" gig where the trip to the US and the fun of the gig could be enough to draw him there for less money?
I would love to see ARP play ProgPower. It kind of surprises me that they wouldn't be considered a headliner though. Also, I didn't realize that they were that popular in Europe. I figured they'd have a decent following, but nothing huge. Johnny is one of my favorite singers and I would like to see the band for him alone.
