Axl N' Roses, What The Fuck?


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I saw what supposedely is now Guns N' Roses on the MTV vma's last night and I was like "What the fuck?" This GN'R featured only Axl Rose and Dizzy Reed from the "original" band, if there ever was one. Anyway, I thought they, and the sound, sucked. They did a medley of WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE, A NEW SONG?, & PARADISE CITY. The new song sounded alright but was mainly Axl & piano/keyboards. Kurt Loder asked Axl If "CHINESE DEMOCRACY" would be out soon and Axl said it would be out but not soon. He said its taking awhile to rebuild the "monstrosity" that GN'R was. Give me a fucking break. I know it takes time to record, but hell its been years since Axl released anything and Duff, Slash, Izzy, etc.. have released numerous recordings. What the hell is Axl waiting for? He is milking the GUNS N' ROSES name for all its woth and all he can which is Bullshit to me.
the best part was when christina aguilera came out, DAMN!!!!!
nothing will ever be like "Appetite for Destruction"... never-ever...
maybe if he hadn't been runnig that much trying to keep up with the old times.... then we would've heard him singing, maybe... :rolleyes:
Axl needs to get down on all fours and beg Slash and Duff to return. I was never a fan, but that Appetite LP wasn't too was tolerable.

The MTV things wasn't too terrible, but it's sad how he braided up his hair to look nu-metal...LOL.

He missed his's over.

Anyone see Britney Spears? Holy mother of Hades...what a cheap bitch that had me salivating!
Originally posted by ZANEX
I agree with FORBIDDEN, Buckethead shreds and I think he needs to join another band or go solo.

doesnt he have some solo albums? i heard some wierd stuff from him.,.,something about eating chicken bones.,.lol.,.good times
I vote for Duff and his work with Neurotic Outsiders, as I don't believe GNR will ever be the same, so, there is a good and different team for him to work with. Besides, Axl has this attitude problem, he can be goodlooking and used-to-love-her-could-sing-many-years-ago, but Don't you cry... for times gone.
Guns'n'Roses were my second step to coming closer to metal. Europe were the first. LOL
yeah Buckethead is one eccentric dude, he's actually got quite a few cds out. I can't figure out his being involved in G&R other than the fact that they never get anything done, and that gives him plenty of time for his own stuff - new cd out in October.