Axl Rose signed with Sanctuary


Aug 15, 2002
Does anyone else find it fucking hilarious after borrowing like 12 million dollars from Geffen/Interscope (or whatever fuckin' major label he was signed to the past 10 years), they just announced he signed with Sanctuary Records? Man he is going to owe so much fucking money, because they can't promote dogshit. This is actually pretty fucking funny. This proves more than anything that Chinese Democracy, when/if it comes out, it's DOOMED!:headbang:
This wasn't an enthusiastic thread, Muffin and Greg. I don't care either. I just find it fucking awesome that he signed to a label that's been shitty for a few years now.
as much as I hate Axl Rose. If Chinese Democracy ever gets will go multiple platinum in the first week. Guns and Roses are/is/were a huge band with a huge following worldwide. Look at the last "tour" they tried to have...even though it was cancelled 3 nights in, every venue that was booked was sold out. Hate em all you want..for every one of us that hates em, there are 50,000 that love em.
The only way the record will go multiplat is if the lead single is any good, and when I heard a demo of some of the songs it was laughable at best. The music dynamic is gone