

May 1, 2004
Swamps of despair
anyone on here ever heard of ayreon? i was in the store a few weeks ago and bought one of the cds because it just looked cool and had some guest musicians i found rather strange to be mixed together and felt like taking a gamble. anyway, at first i thought it was a little strange but the more i listened to it i became obsessed over it. its a great merge of muscial styles that just mixed so well together. seems like its taken from almost all of the musical styles in the rock/metal genres. no country or rap shit... hence the word music....
I recently bought "Electric Light Castle" and "The Human Equation". it just seems to be some just realy realy well put together stuff. some of the songs are a little not to my liking due to the style but, that would tend to happen with a "rock opera" with a bit of beatles influence.

anyway if you guys havent herd anything of the band id recomend checking it out if you have an open mind. those of you without an open mind.... suck my dick.

i never herd of this "band/project" at all and its been around since 93 i believe. i wish i herd of it sooner.

:worship: :headbang:
i heard that band name already but i never heard the music, i guess i'll check it out some time.

hey i LOVE gambling when i buy CDs!! :) i did this for AA..
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
What's snif?

oh we dont say "snif" in english? i meant to write : "this reminds me of my chilhood... snif..." , snif would be when someone cries and he snifs with his nose.... you know..
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:

god, get it the fuck right Mr. accentuo keys :)

get it the fuck....
get it the fuck....
GET IT the fuck...
get IT the fuck....
that can't be right.... it has to be "get it fucking right".... doesnt it? wow that just looks wierd....
Fimbul: it is good, can´t stop wondering every time when Behemoth starts to play the last song from Demigod how different it is from the others, still.. my favourite from the album! The Reign Ov Shemsu-Hor :worship:
I've heard Ayreon. My friend showed me The Human Equation. It was pretty good but I don't think I could get into them really intensely. There was one really cool song though with the bagpipes and it sounded all Irish. Forget which track.