Aztec Metal Band Seeks Guitarist


Apr 17, 2005
Aztec Metal Band Needs Guitarist

On behalf of Cuitlahuac of Mictlantecuhtli, I inform that they are seeking a second guitarist. So if you know any Latinos that might be interested in joining this Aztec Warrior Metal band based in Los Angeles/California, go to their webpage and send them an email to organize a meeting. Give brief description of style and reference any work you've done that they can hear. Don't forget to include your contact info.

Please help out by reposting this on relevant forums. Saludos!
Hey! They're not Indo-European! [/pwnage]

These guys rule. And I don't live near CA. So I'm bummed.
i think the whole pretending to be black gimmick has been done to death by people before you, BMT
Everybody knows that black people aren't allowed to listen to heavy metal. Also, lol @ Aztec Metal Warriors.
As is anything "[insert keyword for heritage] Metal Warriors," or just the notion of a Metal Warrior altogether.

Thanks to V for sticking to the topic, although Dodens speaks the irrevocably valiant truth, as per usual.
BlackMetalTyrant said:
I am black, Im not kidding, hence BLACKmetaltyrant
I thought the black came from black metal, as in the type of music played by Darkthrone, Burzum, etc. Do you listen to black metal? It would be ironic if you didn't with a screen name like that.
no im just saying that because its no like you ask some one what they listen to and they say " death metal", some thrash metal, and a little bit of Aztec Metal", I don't know what you mean by troll either, never been called one before, and Morthond blows too
That's BlastTyrant, according to sources, if anyone else remembers that moron.