B-52 Amp heads


The Cleansing Fire
Mar 18, 2002
In the realm of emptiness
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Anyone played through one of the B-52 heads and cabs? Just curious. I've never heard of them and I'm 2 hours from a Guitar Center that carries them. I wondered if any of these (they have a couple tube heads and a couple solid-state heads) would be worth having. They're inexpensive enough for us poor guys to take a look at them.
Well, they're not bad for the money but they're certainly not going to go head to head with a Rectifier. The one I played through sounded pretty decent with a guitar with passive pickups plugged in. When I plugged my 7 string with EMGs in, it brought out a tinny transistor character that I personally didn't like. You may love it, though.
My XXX has been treating me great for the past year that I've had it, and I don't forsee a change anytime soon! GREAT amps, and they can be had for really cheap on eBay. Slap some EL34's in that puppy, and crank it up!