Babylon 5

I remember watching B5 when it first came on, and not getting that interested in the first season, and being really annoyed by the aliens, especially the guy with big hair who talked like a second rate vampire.


Sooo true!

We just went through this process on another board I post on. The first season is kind of boring but sets up both the universe and does eventually have ties to future events.

As I recall, JMS and crew weren't certain the show would continue airing after the first season, so they kept it deliberately 'light' in terms of the overall story arc, and were able to pick things up (and make the show more of a serial rather than episodic) with Season 2.
I'm something like half or two thirds of the way through the first season? Maybe almost through with it? Either way, I got a hair to finish watching Battlestar Galactica and then started on Buffy, so I haven't gotten back to B5 yet. I think I just need to struggle through the last of the first season and get it over with.
I remember watching B5 when it first came on, and not getting that interested in the first season, and being really annoyed by the aliens, especially the guy with big hair who talked like a second rate vampire.

Heh... oddly enough, most of the Centauri don't have Germanic accents. Just Londo. :)

But it seems like things may get more interesting, so I'm going to dive in again.

Not so much, at least until about the middle of Season 2. Muscle through it, though... it's worth it.

Either way, I got a hair to finish watching Battlestar Galactica and then started on Buffy

Have you previously seen Buffy all the way through? It's similar to B5 in that the first season was sort of lame, and the episodes were hit-or-miss (a couple were down-right embarrassing), but it set things up well to take off in later seasons. Seasons 6 and 7 of Buffy are some of the greatest television ever made.

Yeah. Season 5 was just sort of tacked on, because JMS really thought season 4 was going to be it, so he tried to wrap it up. I had trouble getting through the last season. Or at least more than the others. Season 1 was alright.

The only problems I had with Season 5 were 1) the fact that it took a while to pick up pace, and 2) Tracy Scoggins being added to the cast. Other than that, I like the way it was set up as it's own little saga, of sorts.
Aww h3llyeah! My roommate in college hooked me and our gaggle of girls on it, and we'd all get together and watch the new ep every week. During the 5th season I'd graduated but we ended up watching everything from "The Fall of Centauri Prime" to "Sleeping in Light" over the phone. Yeah, geeks all :D

JMS is a genius :)

Anyone catch the Lost Tales yet? When I saw that on the xBox 360 downloads I basically was turning cartwheels while it was downloading. :D I haven't had any new B5 stuff since Crusade (there was a movie in between, wasn't there?) The CGI is updated in LT, which was nice to see. Given the technology in the mid `90s, and how far CGI has come, the regular eps look rather cringe-worthy now, but really, the special effects are a far second place behind the storytelling :)

Heh... oddly enough, most of the Centauri don't have Germanic accents. Just Londo. :)

No spoiler here, but he's not the only one. :D

The only problems I had with Season 5 were 1) the fact that it took a while to pick up pace, and 2) Tracy Scoggins being added to the cast. Other than that, I like the way it was set up as it's own little saga, of sorts.[/quote]

Yeah, but it was nice seeing Ivanova again in SiL. :D
Not so much, at least until about the middle of Season 2. Muscle through it, though... it's worth it.

Arggghhh, it's tough! I'm bound and determined to see it through into Season 2, but I just watched the first 4 episodes of Season 1 and wow, they are painfully awful. I remember seeing the first two episodes from when the show originally aired, but not episodes 3 and 4, so I must have given up the first time around after only two episodes!

But I have faith in the good people of this forum, so I'm going to keep going! :kickass:

Yeah, keep fighting your way through it. I think it took me about 6 months to watch the first season when my friend lent me his DVD's. By the time I hit season 4, well, I think I watched that entire season in less than a week.