

Mar 10, 2012
So, who else is entertained?

For the unfamiliar, Babymetal is a group from Japan, basically they are an agency creation. They took 3 girls from a girl group of middle schoolers (who had to quit when they reached a certain age) and have them sing JPop style against a thrash band. One girl is 16, the other two have just turned 15 and look 10. The 16 year old has a decent voice, the other two sound like children, except when they go all cookie monster. THen it's just plain funny.

Their backing band are no slouches. One guitarist works with Marty Friedman. Someone posted a video of himself playing their most well-known song "Gimme Chocolate!" The funny part is he's using a Loomis 7 string model.

Mostly due to the curiosity and amusement factor, they are making some waves outside of Japan. They played Sonisphere and met all kinds of metal musicians.

Last night they played a gig in LA, 1200 seat place sold out, and no opening act. The A/C went out but they soldiered on and suffered severe dehydration for it. They got a great review though. Now the girls are doing 5-6 shows opening for Lady Gaga.

I've never seen a band split the metal community so badly. Half seem in on the joke and don't take it so seriously, mostly because the girls are open and honest about what they are: a creation by an agency. THen there's the purists on the other side with a giant stick up their asses about the girls.

So which side are you on?
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I guess we know what side Warrel is on.

Face it, you're jealous. You want to open for Lady Gaga. :)
Japan's got some good shit going on. The number of all-girl bands is insane. Revolver just listed a dozen. I can't think of one in this country. Cherri Bomb aren't any more since they replaced their leader with a guy. Most Japanese bands are power metal but Doll$boxx are like Faith No More.

THe new Aldious is tragic. "St. Anger" level production.
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Thanks for this interesting update...

Jap chicks are super mega babes hey just need to show more flesh

By the way what do you think of the new goatwhore cd....high hat is crispy like a cool
Uk pear cider !!
The main singer is going to apparently be doing vomit porn in a few years.
It's the Japanese equivalent of compulsory military service.

Now the girls are doing 5-6 shows opening for Lady Gaga.
Because of course they are.

And those metal has-beens posing like badasses with these kids in an effort to stay relevant are fucking sad. Especially Sam Totman and Herman Ri. You really can't hate Dragonforce enough.
Scott needs to dye that beard or shave it. It ages him 20 years.

Gary Holt looks more like Jase Robertson every time I see him.
Really not trying to be a dick, but did they require their own thread, instead of just talking about them in the other kiddie band thread that you posted two weeks ago? Regardless, you should know how I feel about Babymetal. :rolleyes:

They would at least be somewhat "interesting" if they had some kind of tentacle-rape creature roaming around the stage.
It's fun fast-food music imo, I don't understand why you guys don't like it. I'd much rather hear something refreshing like this than another generic thrash metal band.

Besides, imagine if guitars were cool with the youth again.
I don't understand why you guys don't like it.

Because it's terrible, and even worse than your typical corporate shit that's already out there. It hopefully won't catch on and be the "next big thing", but no doubt there will soon be countless variations of this garbage filling up arenas while the actual artists still struggle.
Because it's terrible, and even worse than your typical corporate shit that's already out there. It hopefully won't catch on and be the "next big thing", but no doubt there will soon be countless variations of this garbage filling up arenas while the actual artists still struggle.
Yeah, this. And it's nowhere near as good as you think it is, to be honest.