Back cover of V image


Guilty Gear
Jul 21, 2002
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So im going to a Halloween Party at the rock bar in Tokyo that I frequent. Me and my friend will go as the Symphony X mascots, painting our faces like the masks and wearing the black and white hooded robes like on the cover of V. I want to print out the images of the album cover to show people what it is who arnt so familiar with the band.

I own the CD (I own all of Symphony X's CDs) but I am an American living in Japan. When I came here, I brought all my CDs with me in a book and left all the CD cases back home in storage due to packing space limitations, so I was unable to bring the CD case with. I can easily find pictures of the masks close up, and the front cover of V, but I cant for the life of me find any images of the back cover which is the inverted version of the front cover. It would be nice to be able to show people both versions. Does anyone have a scan of the image or something that they could hook me up with so that I can print it out?

BTW, I did did this costume with another friend once before back at one of Symphony X's Chicago shows many years ago when they played at The Metro with Blind Guardian (I think that was the one... ive been to like 5 Syx shows so I might be mixing it up) and I met Lepond and Rullo after the show. They totally dug our costumes. I figured it would be cool to do it again for Halloween :kickass:

There you go ;)
that link just says

"Download Instructions:
Yes we do have the cover you are looking for, but no, we cant show it to you. You most likely clicked on an old link or something else has gone wrong"

EDIT: I started from the main page on the site and just looked for it myself on there and was able to get it. Thank you! I never knew about that site before. Pretty nice to have I suppose.
that link just says

"Download Instructions:
Yes we do have the cover you are looking for, but no, we cant show it to you. You most likely clicked on an old link or something else has gone wrong"

EDIT: I started from the main page on the site and just looked for it myself on there and was able to get it. Thank you! I never knew about that site before. Pretty nice to have I suppose.

Oh well, it was working yesterday but glad you got it now.
Yea that was a killer show. I havnt seen Symphony X play since i moved to Japan over 2 years ago. Any chance they will be coming here for the next time they tour Asia? I was really upset when they went to all those other countries and skipped Japan but I know it wasnt their choice and was all probably up to the booking agents or whatever