Back from 'On The Road'


Vox of The Sorrow Killer
Sep 17, 2003
Well, just got back from Bloodstock On The Road here in Manchester.

It was great.

A review will be on my web site imediately I have chance.

A big 'Hi!' to Sal and John K.
Hiya guys!!

I'm home too!!! Bloody shattered, but what a gig!!! Very much recommended...!!!!!!

Everyone here needs to get to see this tour if at all humanly possible!!!

Found out tonight that the stunning Fourwaykill (bet its been a while since they've been called that :) ) have had to pull out of the Whiplash date on the 8th Nov due to a very short notice operation!!! I was dissapointed at that.... but have been faithfully promised they will get their arses up to Liverpool in the New year!!!

It was sooo loud in there tonight.... I know what you mean about your ears squeaking Slev ;)

Big shout outs (cos they couldn't hear me otherwise) to Infobia (See u in Liverpool), Fourwaykill (March... remember!!! ), Biomechanical (Whiplash, Ahem!!) and of course Vince (After Who??? Hahahaha) who has put it all together!!!! And of course not forgetting Slev who I met tonite (Don't forget.... 8th November Slev!!) :wave:

Ace gig, ace night, ace bands, ace people!! ACE!!!!

Sal x
I'll try & be there Sal. (My friend Chris was so impressed last night, he's trying to book a minibus to ship p`eople to Liverpool).

Hey - Notice you got in around the same time I did :)

And that was quite quiet for a gig. Couldn't even feel my rib-cage reverberating ;>
sal666 said:
Hiya guys!!

I'm home too!!! Bloody shattered, but what a gig!!! Very much recommended...!!!!!!

Everyone here needs to get to see this tour if at all humanly possible!!!

Found out tonight that the stunning Fourwaykill (bet its been a while since they've been called that :) ) have had to pull out of the Whiplash date on the 8th Nov due to a very short notice operation!!! I was dissapointed at that.... but have been faithfully promised they will get their arses up to Liverpool in the New year!!!

It was sooo loud in there tonight.... I know what you mean about your ears squeaking Slev ;)

Big shout outs (cos they couldn't hear me otherwise) to Infobia (See u in Liverpool), Fourwaykill (March... remember!!! ), Biomechanical (Whiplash, Ahem!!) and of course Vince (After Who??? Hahahaha) who has put it all together!!!! And of course not forgetting Slev who I met tonite (Don't forget.... 8th November Slev!!) :wave:

Ace gig, ace night, ace bands, ace people!! ACE!!!!

Sal x

I've just got in from work and my ears have been ringing all day!!
It was a good night and well worth the journey to Manchester.

Sal, I'll look forward to meeting you again in Liverpool on the 8th. (We spoke about my 16 yr old niece coming, remember?)
Can't make Burton to night, but looking forward to Nottingham and Birmingham over the weekend.
If last night sets the standard, it will be great!!!
Sherry x :tickled:
sf said:
Sal, I'll look forward to meeting you again in Liverpool on the 8th. (We spoke about my 16 yr old niece coming, remember?)

How could I forget?!?!?!?!

Will see you there... pm me if you need directions!! :cool: