Back from Y&T in San Francisco - The Fillmore


Halcyon Way Sufferer
Jan 7, 2002
Quick post. Bed soon. Work tomorrow.

Another great show at The Fillmore. Loved the Yesterday an Today medley as well as the usual suspects (I Believe In You, Forever, Lonely Side of Town) and hearing Hell or High Water live for the first time (I don't think they played it last year).

I wish every show was this brilliant! :headbang:
Quick post. Bed soon. Work tomorrow.

Another great show at The Fillmore. Loved the Yesterday an Today medley as well as the usual suspects (I Believe In You, Forever, Lonely Side of Town) and hearing Hell or High Water live for the first time (I don't think they played it last year).

I wish every show was this brilliant! :headbang:

Lucky bastard... Haven't been able to catch Y&T for years. Love em'

Buddy of mine played drums for Sandilinas when they toured with Y&T in Europe 3 years ago or so, and he told me they were great guys as well.
I was there with my son and a few friends and it was excellent--as usual with Y&T. 2 hour and 20 minute show. Dave's voice and guitar playing are as good--if not better--than they were 20-30 years ago. My only complaint: CRAPPY SHIRTS!! Only one Y&T T-Shirt for sale and it was lousy. They had one girlie shirt and the standard Meneketti shirt for sale as well. That was it for shirts. Great, great band did a great, great show but only had crappy, crappy shirts. Unrelated complaint: Gilby Clark as the 45 minute opener--he blows. He would have been OK (only) if it was 1978 and he was the house band at a biker bar.
Gilby has played with some great bands. But I don't think he's ever written a great song.
Saw Y&T 2 weeks ago in Orange County - they never seem to fail!! Brilliant stuff and as always with these guys, the place was PACKED
Wish I could have been there, watched some Y&T live from the ONE HOT NIGHT DVD over the weekend but it's not quite the same. Hope they make it out this way at some point...
Take that Immortal. 140 minutes :kickass:

I was there with my son and a few friends and it was excellent--as usual with Y&T. 2 hour and 20 minute show. Dave's voice and guitar playing are as good--if not better--than they were 20-30 years ago. My only complaint: CRAPPY SHIRTS!! Only one Y&T T-Shirt for sale and it was lousy. They had one girlie shirt and the standard Meneketti shirt for sale as well. That was it for shirts. Great, great band did a great, great show but only had crappy, crappy shirts. Unrelated complaint: Gilby Clark as the 45 minute opener--he blows. He would have been OK (only) if it was 1978 and he was the house band at a biker bar.
Lucky bastard... Haven't been able to catch Y&T for years. Love em'

Buddy of mine played drums for Sandilinas when they toured with Y&T in Europe 3 years ago or so, and he told me they were great guys as well.

I never saw Y&T live ever...Doubt I ever will...:mad:

Sandalinas is a cool band too.