Back from my Annual Trip to see Y&T at the Fillmore SF


Halcyon Way Sufferer
Jan 7, 2002
Lovely weather in San Francisco this past weekend. Windy at times but still sunny. Did tourist spots like Golden Gate Park, Pier 39 and Yerba Buena amongst others.

Enjoyed a nice meal at the Korean restaurant the corner from the Fillmore. Then entered around 9:10 pm. Kip Winger opened and he played acoustic versions his hits. He can still wail.

Then 10:00 pm came and Y&T stormed the stage. Phil was obviously missed but his replacement was good. They played for over 2 hours with little or no filler (drum solos etc). The main highlight was hearing the Earthshaker album in its entirety as well as Straight Through the Heart from Mean Streak. Bring on 2012 and the 30th Anniversary of Black Tiger! :headbang:
I finally got to see them live last year (twice!) and it really reignited my love of the band. I've spent more time since then reacquainting myself with their whole catalog than I did in the previous 20 years. They really don't disappoint live.
Just saw that.
I know this will receive a SERIOUS facepalm from some...
But I SERIOUSLY did not know that Y&T stood for YESTERDAY AND TODAY!!

I caught them at the Fillmore a few years back, that was one of the best shows I've seen. Also seen them in Chicago a few times, while they were still great and awesome to be able to be close, nothing beats their show at the Fillmore.
I will gladly take a beating on this one!!!!!
I am not familiar with the band's history.
I know some of the classic tunes, but that's about it.

I'm not a big fan, I just love their sound. Contagious has very catchy melodies but I really like Ten. Just a great band to see live.