I went to NC, and stayed in a hotel with no cable and no video rental places for 20 miles. The only movies were had were Billy Madison and Tommy Boy. I could recite them from start to finish, which in some places goes unappreciated.
yeah during my volunteer year in philly i was making $85/month and so we had to entertain ourselves for free using our VCR. we had like five tapes, so i ended up watching tommy boy and friday like 50 times each over the year.
i always thought beverly hills ninja was the ultimate chris farley movie. ULTIMATE.
on the actual topic of school though, i start next wednesday, not thursday like i thought and i still have to order my books and supplies which the school's online advisor is doing everything in its power to stop me from successfully accomplishing and i'm totally losing it and blablaadfajsdljkjlkjaweaxz