Finally it is here... BACK TO THE OLD SCHOOL II !! If your Metalheart beats to the sounds from the Eighties then head over to click into HYMNALS and check out these MP3´s... Spread the Word !!!
DESTRUCTION / 'Total Desaster' - Classic German Thrash ! Taken from Sentence Of Death MiniLP (1984).
CORONER / 'Totentanz' - Ex CELTIC FROST Roadies who invented a new brand of Technical Thrash here. Taken from R.I.P. LP (1987).
SODOM / 'Sodomy And Lust' - If you don´t know SODOM then get off this page
. This song is one of their finest moments. Taken from Expurse Of Sodomy MiniLP (1987).
EXODUS / 'A Lesson In Violence' - In memory of Paul Baloff. Taken from Speed Kills I CompilationLP (1984).
POSSESSED / 'March To Die' - This shows that not only their first album had killer songs, unfortunately this is quite crippled by lame production (somebody gas Carl Canedy please). Taken from Beyond The Gates LP (1986).
SACRED REICH / 'Draining You Of Life' - Title track of their demo and pretty much their last recording before they went off into "fun" Thrash territory. Taken from Surf Nicaragua (1985).
SLAUGHTER / 'Threshold Of Pain' - Classic Canadian band ! This was only available on bootlegs for well over a decade until they finally released it officialy last year. Taken from Not Dead Yet LP (1988).
RAZOR / 'Take This Torch' - This is the original version of the MEGIDDO cover
. Another Classic Canadian band ! Taken from Executioners Song LP (1985).
EVIL DEAD / 'The Awakening' - From the ashes of ABATTOIR and AGENT STEEL rose this California band. The drummer on this recording plays in NOCTUARY now. Taken from Annihilation Of Civilisation LP (1987).
ASSASSIN / 'Nemesis' - Classic German band. Taken from The Upcoming Terror LP (1986).
KREATOR / 'Tormentor' - This was KREATOR at their best, they still play it live after 15 years. Taken from Endless Pain LP (1984).
RIGOR MORTIS / 'The Haunted' - Quite unknown Texas band featuring nowadays members of MINISTRY and GWAR. They should return to the killer Thrash they play here ! Taken from Freaks MiniLP (1988).
SARCOFAGO / 'Sathanas' - Brazilian Classic... a MUST know ! Taken from INRI LP (1987).
DEATHWISH / 'In The Name Of God' - One of the last good bands to come out of the UK in the eighties. Just like SABBAT (who came out at the same time) they play a very unique form of Thrash. Taken from At The Edge Of Damnation LP (1988).
WARGASM / 'Bullets And Blades' - Brilliant band from Massachusetts that sounds like OVERKILL on a mix of Adrenaline and Rabies ! Taken from Why Play Around LP (1988).
NUCLEAR ASSAULT / 'Cross Of Iron' - Does this need an introduction, DAMMIT !!!!!!!! Taken from The Plague MiniLP (1987).
TESTAMENT / 'Curse Of The Legions Of Death' - Yes, TESTAMENT used to play Black Metal... believe it or not
. Taken from The Legacy LP (1986).
IRON ANGEL / 'Creatures Of Destruction' - Another Classic German band that sadly, only put out two albums. Taken from Winds Of War LP (1986).
VIKING / 'Militia Of Death' - DARK ANGEL buddies and you CAN hear it ! The VIKING guitarist joined DARK ANGEL for their last album. Taken from Do Or Die LP (1988).
DESTRUCTION / 'Total Desaster' - Classic German Thrash ! Taken from Sentence Of Death MiniLP (1984).
CORONER / 'Totentanz' - Ex CELTIC FROST Roadies who invented a new brand of Technical Thrash here. Taken from R.I.P. LP (1987).
SODOM / 'Sodomy And Lust' - If you don´t know SODOM then get off this page

EXODUS / 'A Lesson In Violence' - In memory of Paul Baloff. Taken from Speed Kills I CompilationLP (1984).
POSSESSED / 'March To Die' - This shows that not only their first album had killer songs, unfortunately this is quite crippled by lame production (somebody gas Carl Canedy please). Taken from Beyond The Gates LP (1986).
SACRED REICH / 'Draining You Of Life' - Title track of their demo and pretty much their last recording before they went off into "fun" Thrash territory. Taken from Surf Nicaragua (1985).
SLAUGHTER / 'Threshold Of Pain' - Classic Canadian band ! This was only available on bootlegs for well over a decade until they finally released it officialy last year. Taken from Not Dead Yet LP (1988).
RAZOR / 'Take This Torch' - This is the original version of the MEGIDDO cover

EVIL DEAD / 'The Awakening' - From the ashes of ABATTOIR and AGENT STEEL rose this California band. The drummer on this recording plays in NOCTUARY now. Taken from Annihilation Of Civilisation LP (1987).
ASSASSIN / 'Nemesis' - Classic German band. Taken from The Upcoming Terror LP (1986).
KREATOR / 'Tormentor' - This was KREATOR at their best, they still play it live after 15 years. Taken from Endless Pain LP (1984).
RIGOR MORTIS / 'The Haunted' - Quite unknown Texas band featuring nowadays members of MINISTRY and GWAR. They should return to the killer Thrash they play here ! Taken from Freaks MiniLP (1988).
SARCOFAGO / 'Sathanas' - Brazilian Classic... a MUST know ! Taken from INRI LP (1987).
DEATHWISH / 'In The Name Of God' - One of the last good bands to come out of the UK in the eighties. Just like SABBAT (who came out at the same time) they play a very unique form of Thrash. Taken from At The Edge Of Damnation LP (1988).
WARGASM / 'Bullets And Blades' - Brilliant band from Massachusetts that sounds like OVERKILL on a mix of Adrenaline and Rabies ! Taken from Why Play Around LP (1988).
NUCLEAR ASSAULT / 'Cross Of Iron' - Does this need an introduction, DAMMIT !!!!!!!! Taken from The Plague MiniLP (1987).
TESTAMENT / 'Curse Of The Legions Of Death' - Yes, TESTAMENT used to play Black Metal... believe it or not

IRON ANGEL / 'Creatures Of Destruction' - Another Classic German band that sadly, only put out two albums. Taken from Winds Of War LP (1986).
VIKING / 'Militia Of Death' - DARK ANGEL buddies and you CAN hear it ! The VIKING guitarist joined DARK ANGEL for their last album. Taken from Do Or Die LP (1988).