Bad City- Welcome to the Wasteland


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
AoR/Hair Metal/Old Farts...

I missed this last year, but Spotify to the rescue! This is glorious, over the top melodic, hard rock cheese with a bit of blues/bite. Slaughter meets Ratt if you will.

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A band I should like but can't really get into. I remember them doing a song about the band KISS.

I much prefer bands like DYNAZTY who IMO do this type of music so much better.


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I got into Bad City a couple months ago thanks to a review on I was really getting into the disc when I found out they were opening for Kiss on the current tour, so I got to see them live. It was a very nice cooincidence. I'll definately have to check out Dynazty. Another cheese-heavy 80's throwback band I've enjoyed recently is Reckless Love.

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Love that Reckless Love tune but the new single from them called "HOT" is beyond terrible.

Other bands in this style that kick ass are bands like Crashdiet, and Crazy Lixx.

Another band getting a lot of requests on my show since playing tracks from the new album is a band called HUMAN ZOO.

BTW its live footage but the studio version of the song.

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Strangely enough I don't like Bad City or Dynazty. I do like Crash Diet and Crazy Lixx a fair bit though not a lot. However I love Reckless Love cause it's more cheesy and polished than the others. More cheese and polish equal musical yum for me!

Madman - New Human Zoo kicks ass but shouldn't be lumped in with these sleaze bands I reckon. They don't sing about chasing pussy all day last time I checked! Oh yeah and they have sax! :-)