my 2010 faves

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
In alphabetical order. Take a deep breath, read, then fuel your flame throwers.

10 Years - Feeding The Wolves – Modern melodic rock with good vocals.
A Loathing Requiem - Psalms Of Misanthropy – technical brutal death ala Necrophagist
A Tortured Soul - Lucifer's Fate – New King Diamond but not as good.
Abuser - Threats of Fate – Quality melodic thrash from Italy.
Accept - Blood Of The Nations – Huge comeback and the best Accept album ever. I say this as a non-fan of the Udo era.
Aeon - Path Of Fire – Brutal yet catchy and groovy death with OTT anti Christian lyrics.
Aeon Zen – The Face Of The Unknown. Killer one man show prog metal from the UK. Some songs are a bit slow.
All I Know - Vanity Kills – Some boys do their best impression of Def Leppard and Bon Jovi mixed.
Allen-Lande - The Showdown – Just a great solid record.
Alter Bridge - AB III – Magical heavy songs that speak to me on an emotional level.
Amberian Dawn - End Of Eden – Nightwish clones better than the real thing.
Ancient Bards - The Alliance Of The Kings – Lassie fronted power metal with cool tunes.
Annihilator – st – some cool tunes and a couple of shit ones.
Annotations Of An Autopsy - The Reign Of Darkness – UK brutal death aping Morbid Angel but a whole heap more brutal and heavy.
Anthriel - The Pathway – Symphony X worship with great vocals.
Arkaik - Reflections Within Dissonance – Technical death metal with quality.
Arryan Path - Terra Incognita – Top quality slightly doomy power metal with awesome vox.
Arthemis - Heroes – Underrated Italo power but this time with modern twist and not so cheesy tralalala.
Asia – Omega – Kings of old school AOR return with a gem.
Astral Doors - Requiem Of Time – My “can do no wrong” classic rock/metal band of the modern era.
Atheist - Jupiter – Quality tech death but not brilliant for me.
Auras - New Generation – Quality Journey and Survivor worship from Brazil.
Axel Rudi Pell - The Crest. Love Axel He can do no wrong IMO.
Black Label Society - Order Of The Black – Don't love Zakk but this record is cool and HEAVY!!
Bloody Roots - Isten Kezeben – Foreign lang thrash aping mid early to mid period Seps.
Bonded By Blood - Exiled To Earth – Top quality thrash with seriously mental riffage.
Brian Howe - Circus Bar – Never knew Brian Howe until this release. Dude used to be in Bad Company after Paul Rogers. This album is playful fun pop rock and a joy for the ears.
Cerberus - Redemption Of Demigod – Brutal tech death from South America.
Colonize the Rotting - Composing the Masticated – One of the best brutal death albums of the year with monstrously killer sound.
Concerto Moon - Angel Of Chaos – Japs return with a more classic rock feel close to classic or old Impellitteri.
Corroded - Exit To Transfer – Heavy modern bruisers from Sweden with warm vocals and powerful production.
Crystal Viper – Legends – Lassie fronted true metal – their best by a mile aping Running Wild somewhat.
Dark Moor – Ancestral Romance – Another great record from the Spanish Rhapsody clones.
Dark Tranquillity - We Are The Void. Another solid DT record. Heard people ripping this but I hear the usual killer DT riffing with maybe more blackened atmosphere.
Darkwater - Where Stories End – Top quality melodic prog metal.
Dawn Of Demise - A Force Unstoppable – Groovy thrashy death with heavy sound.
Decimation - Anthems Of An Empyreal Dominion – Brutal and semi tech death.
Decrepit Birth – Polarity – Full on melodic and tech death.
Degreed - Life Love Loss – Wonderfully catchy modern melodic pop rock from Swedish boys.
Demiurg - Slakthus Gamleby – Rogga and Dan. Killer old school death with some surprises too.
Diluvian – Epidemic – Well played death metal with some thrashy riffs.
Dimmu Borgir - Abrahadabra – A really solid album and a surprise for me. Love the real orchestral parts which sound so grand or majestic.
Disdain - Leave This World – Modern melodic metal with cool vocals.
Diskreet - Engage The Mechanicality – Ultra brutal tech death savagery.
Disturbed – Asylum – Usual fun listen from the modern metal crew
Dream Evil - In The Night – Loving da 'Evil for years and years – do you think the love affairs over?
Edenbridge - Solitaire – Love Sabine. Edenbridge's productions are bloody awesome.
Element - The Energy - Technical death metal with melody.
Entrails - Tales From The Morgue – Killer old school death metal with Sunlight sound.
Equilibrium - Rekreatur – Awesome symphonic folky power death/black whatever you wanna call it. It gives you a rush anyhow!
Eternal Reign - The Dawn Of Reckoning – Quality underground Kraut power.
Evil Offering - Wake Up For Another Nightmare – Ultra mega unknown retro thrash with oh so lovable riffing even with the atrocious production.
Excalion - High Time – Melodic metal which is easy to listen to and enjoy
Exodus - Exhibit B The Human Condition – Quality thrash hammering from legends.
Facebreaker – Infected – Heavy and brutal groovy death.
Fear Factory – Mechanize – The cybermetal men are back and delivering the goods.
Firecracker - Born of Fire – Melodic metal with shred tendencies with awesome vox.
Firewind - Days of Defiance. Not as good as The Premonition but I'm not complaining.
First Signal – st – Top quality Frontiers project with Harry Hess doing the business.
Flesh Consumed - Ecliptic Dimensions of Suffering – Brutal and tech death battery.
Fleshrot – Traumatic_Reconfiguration – UK brutal death metal Corpse worshipers.
Fleshwrought – Dementia-Dyslexia – Tech death with quality.
Fozzy - Chasing The Grail – Modern metal with catchy tunes.
Fueled by Fire - Plunging Into Darkness – Old school thrash bash.
Galneryus – Resurrection – Jap power metal masters with probably their best album ever.
Gamma Ray - To The Metal! - Some gems and some fillers but still a really enjoyable record.
Ghost Machinery - Out For Blood – Underrated melodic power metal gem.
Ghosthill - Embrace Of A Chasm – Quality female fronted melodic power from Russia
Golden Resurrection - Glory To My King – Quality neo-classical Jesus metal.
GRAND ILLUSION - Brand New World – Masterful pomp rock from Sweden
Grand Magus - Hammer Of The North – Killer heavy metal with awesome vocals – simple.
H.E.A.T - Freedom Rock – Killer AOR that's all.
Halford - Made Of Metal – The songs are just great in my eyes from Mr. H
Hatchery - Forced to Fight – Groovy thrash metal
Heathen - The Evolution of Chaos – Great melodic thrash comeback
Heaving Earth - Diabolic Prophecies – Hyper heavy Morbid Angel worship.
Heidevolk - Uit Oude Grond – Folky viking death metal sung in old Dutch making it more authentic sounding.
Helloween - 7 Sinners – Another great record from the teutonic masters of all things Germanic.
Helstar - Glory of Chaos – Killer slab of tech power/thrash hybrid with the incomparable vocals of James Rivera.
Hideous Deformity - Defoulment Of Human Purity – Technical and solid death metal.
Houston – st – Awesome AOR gem from two Swedish dudes.
Human Temple - Murder of Crows – Super catchy melodic rock from Finland
Icarus'Cry – Advance to the East – Ultra melodic Jap speed.
Ichor - Benthic Horizon – Brutal death metal bonanza.
Inherit Disease - Visceral Transcendence – Hyper brutal string damage from death metal savages.
InnerWish - No Turning Back – Killer comeback of heavy power metal from the Greeks comparable to Firewind now in class.
Instanzia - Ghost – Just an awesome melodic power metal debut – not much more to say.
Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier – Some songs are just very inspirational but others less so and the production is very average to say the least still I adore The Talisman.
Issa - Sign Of Angels – What awesome songs the Frontiers team wrote for her! Awesome! Issa fucking rules!
Jack Slater - Extinction Aftermath – Very catchy and technical death metal from German boys.
Jaldaboath - The Rise Of The Heraldic Beasts – incredible album of Heraldic comedy metal from the crazed brain of James Fogarty ex Meads of Asphodel.
James LaBrie - Static Impulse – enjoyable album but I don't like the screamy vocals but the rest is great.
Juvaliant - Inhuman Nature. Quality melodic and symphonic power-prog metal.
Kalmah - 12 Gauge – Top quality melodic kings deliver yet again.
Katra - Out Of The Ashes – Sexy chicky does the the chicky fronted melodic metal thing well.
Kerion - The Origins – Light as a feather melodic power to make you feel like you are floating on clouds!
King Of Asgard – Fi'mbulvintr – Quality Amon Amarth worship.
Kingdom Of Sorrow - Behind The Blackest Tears – Kirk and Jamey side project with as usual killer Kirk riffing.
Kiske & Somerville – st – beautifully sung and play melodic rock.
Kissin' Dynamite - Addicted to Metal – fun and enjoyable sleazy glam metal
Korzus - Discipline of Hate – monstrously heavy thrash overlords
Leptotrichia – The Repository – hyper brutal death metal savagery.
Letzte Instanz - Heilig – German lyrics in this melodic pop goth band with very catchy tunes.
Line of Fire - Momentum – classic Journey and Boston worship.
Lo-Pro - The Beautiful Sounds Of Revenge – modern soaring rock with big melodies.
Made of Hate - Pathogen – Melodic death metal with thrashy riffs galore.
Magic Kingdom - Symphony Of War – Dushan's other band delivers quality as expected.
Masterplan - Time to be King – Welcome return and a great album.
Metal Inquisitor – Unconditional Absolution – classic return of old school metallers.
Negligence - Coordinates Of Confusion – underground killer melodic thrash mastery
Nuclear - Jehovirus – Underground thrash gem.
Obscure Infinity - Dawn Of Winter – Simple rocking death metal with old school feel.
Orphaned Land - The Never Ending Way Of Orwarrior – Nice epic and grandiose prog metal.
Overkill - Ironbound – modern thrash killer – their best album ever IMO!
Overoth - Kingdom Of Shadows – classic Morbid Angel worship to the nth degree
Painside - Dark World Burden – modern melodic metal.
Pastore - The Price for the Human Sins – unknown Brazilian power metal dude.
Pathfinder - Beyond The Space Beyond The Time – magical debut from Polish power metal upstarts. Delivers on all counts.
Perfect View - Hold Your Dreams – Italian heavy AOR gem from the deep depths of the underground.
Pertness - From the Beginning to the End . Blind Guardian worship.
Peshmerga - Murderous Acts Of Cruelty – Brutal and catchy simple death metal.
Phoenix Effect - st – Finnish modern rock with awesome vox.
Phonomik - Soul Creeper – Modern melodic prog metal with chunky riffs.
Poets Of The Fall - Twilight Theater – super catchy melodic rock pop goth.
Pollution – Modern Warfare – Modern and slightly melodic thrash with heavy sound.
PowerWorld – Human Parasite. Decent melodic power with Mac on vox
Pretty Maids – Pandemonium. Huge huge album close to Treat in sound and style.
Push Uk - Strange World – Killer new recording of unknown UK AOR.
Rage - Strings to a web – melodic power/thrash masters don't let down.
Reckless Love - st – Super fun melodic cheesy glam rock.
ReinXeed - Majestic – Fast and high melodic power/speed like old Helloween
Revolting - The Terror Threshold – Old school death metal wih clean modern sound.
Rhapsody Of Fire - The Cold Embrace Of Fear – Backs up the comeback.
Rhapsody of Fire - The Frozen Tears of Angels – Classic comeback from Luca and co.
Ross the Boss - Hailstorm – RtB rocks well enough.
Royal Jester - Night Is Young – Young boys do power metal very well but not perfectly.
Sabaton - Coat Of Arms – Love Saba forever and ever.
Sarcolytic - Thee Arcane Progeny – Sickness and brutality with maniacal guitar precision.
Sebastien – Tears of White Roses – new debut band delivers melodic metal par exellence with many guests.
Sedona - Golden Valley - French westcoast AOR unknowns deliver songs Toto and Journey would have been proud of.
Seventh Wonder - The Great Escape – Jaw dropping melodic prog metal.
Severe Toruture - Slaughtered – Dutch 'Corpse riff generators do what is expected.
Shadyon – Mind Control – French melodic prog metal with catchy songs and nice sound.
Signum Regis - The Eyes of Power. Goran sings? I'm there.
Silverlane – Above The Others – Great music but slightly rough vocals but still enjoyable.
Sinbreed - When Worlds Collide – Wow a great debut of Germanic speed/power very close to being as good as classic Running Wild in my eyes.
Solerrain - Fighting The Illusions – Russian Bodom fanciers – as good as the real thing if not better.
Solution .45 - For Aeons Past – Solid modern melodic death/power whatever.
Son of Aurelius - The Farthest Reaches – I hate deathcore with a passion but I love these guys and they have very slight deathcore traits but their musicianship is jaw dropping .
Soreption - Deterioration Of Minds – death metal.
Soulfly - Omen – Loving Max these day Wow the new Decapitated!
Sothoros - Flood The Stone – Intricate death metal.
Soulspell - Labyrinth Of Truths – Brazilllian project succeeded.
SpellBlast - Battlecry – Quality Italopower with parmesan overload.
StarGazer - A Great Work Of Ages – Mazy avant garde death/black.
Stigmatized - Whispers of the Dead – Top quality German death metal mastery with eratic chunky riff fests.
Stone Sour - Audio Secrecy – Big surprise for me from an ex shitty band. Now with songs with huge hooks all over the damn shop.
Stratosphere – Fire Flight – Goran sings? I'm there.
Suicidal Angels - Dead Again – The best retro thrash band period.
Sunrise - Trust Your Soul – Ukrainian top class Sonata worship – in fact yards better than the real thing.
Sworn Amongst - Severance. - Heavy thrash from young UK band.
Synperium - Elemental Disharmony - Aussie tech death with solid sound.
Tank - War Machine – Doogie made the band a 1000 times better in my eyes. Sorry old Tank fans.
Terra Nova - Come Alive – melodic pomp rock from the Dutch guys.
Terry Brock - Diamond Blue – Terry ruled badly on this melodic rock gem,
Thaurorod - Upon Haunted Battlefields – Decent power metal debut.
The Absence - Enemy Unbound – Quality melodic death metal.
The Meads Of Asphodel - The Murder of Jesus the Jew – Bizarro avant garde, kitchen sink black metal work of absolute genius.
The More I See - Tread The Darker Path – Another great band with no profile playing melodic thrash metal stompathons from the UK.
Third Eye - Recipe For Disaster – Heavy and slightly deranged prog metal concept which was criminally ignored for some reason.
Tom Galley's Phenomena - Blind Faith – A very nice comeback of melodic rock with guest vocalists from Mr. Galley.
Treat - Coup De Grace – Just an awesome comeback seismic proportions with a mosntrous sound and supremely catchy songs.
Trelleborg - Lands of Njord – Bonkers folky powery deathy blacky.
Triosphere - The Road Less Travelled – quality lady fronted heavy and melodic power. A big big record!
Unitopia - Artificial – Epic symphonic prog rock.
Unruly Child - Worlds Collide – some tunes are out of this world awesome others are average.
Vega - Kiss Of Life – Big big AOR record from the UK. Only vocals are not perfect, everything else IS!
Versailles - Jubilee – Jap craziness – You either love it or you hate it. I LOVE IT!
Vindex - Ultima Thule – Heavy power metal.
Vindicator - The Antique Witcheries – Killer mid to late period Megadeth like thrash
Violet Sun - Loneliness In Supremacy. Ex Thy Majestie man's next project. Melodic metal with cool tunes.
Virgin Steele - The Black Light Bacchanalia – enjoyable symphonic and epic metal from Mr.DeFeis whilst not perfect it is still really good.
Volbeat - Beyond Hell Above Heaven – as catchy as ever with more rockabilly flavours than ever.
Warfield Within - Inner Bomb – Heavy thrashy/death mix with solid sound.
White Widdow - White Widdow – Awesome Aussie AOR with sunny tunes.
White Wizzard - Over The Top – Fun old school trad metal throwback.
Wicked Sensation - Crystallized – Absolutely killer release of heavy melodic rock.
Wig Wam - Non Stop Rock and Roll. - The title says it all.
Winter's Verge - Tales of Tragedy. - Good quality power metal close to Running Wild in feel at times.
Winterstorm – A Coming Storm – Underground German power with decent tunes but average vox.
Wolfcry - Glorious – Underrrated and ignored quality Power from Hellas
Wuthering Heights - Salt – Another top quality effort with incomparable vocals
Zilla - Pragmatic Evolution – Melodic tech death with quality.
Mr. Pelata, your disk rules! Actually I was expecting it to be a bit average but I soon had to shove those words back down my throat. I especially love the Boston angle that you guys bring. There's too much Journey influence in modern AOR and not enough Boston but you guys address that imbalance perfectly.
Mr. Pelata, your disk rules! Actually I was expecting it to be a bit average but I soon had to shove those words back down my throat. I especially love the Boston angle that you guys bring. There's too much Journey influence in modern AOR and not enough Boston but you guys address that imbalance perfectly.

Thank you VERY much for the kind words!! I am very glad you're enjoying what we do...

See Matt?! Someone bought the CD!! :Smokin: :lol:
Cool list, I'm working on mine so this is helping me to remember everything! How do you have time to hear it all?

Pirage must be like me. I drive at least 75 minutes per day to go to work, listening to music almost all the time cause radio sucks. And I have a job where I can play my music too I work alone in a laboratory), for about 5 hours per day. That means playing at least 6 or 7 CDs a day. That makes lots of music and time to listen to plenty of stuff...
Pirage must be like me. I drive at least 75 minutes per day to go to work, listening to music almost all the time cause radio sucks. And I have a job where I can play my music too I work alone in a laboratory), for about 5 hours per day. That means playing at least 6 or 7 CDs a day. That makes lots of music and time to listen to plenty of stuff...

That makes sense, I used to listen to a lot of music in my car until my CD player went on the fritz. I do get to hear a lot of music at work as well, I've recently been going back through a lot of old cassettes that I haven't heard in eons, been quite enjoyable. Just seems there is still never enough time to hear everything I want to...