Bad day for Sweden - good day for Evergrey


Mar 27, 2002
Gothenburg, Sweden
Early yesterday morning our foreign minister Anna Lindh died due to the heavy injury from a stabbing the afternoon before.

This was a black day for our society and many people showed up in different town centres to show their grief and anger towards all this meaningless violence.

On the television they used almost all day to send videos to a lot of sad songs. I heard that I'm Sorry in the Evergrey version was aired at least 5 or 6 times that day. Ok the guys did not write that song so it won't give them any royalties, but maybe it will end up getting them a couple of new fans.

Just wanted to fill you all in on this...
I could really do with less news of the whole thing,hence why the tv stays turned off most of the time.

I still don't get the point of making a video for a cover...but still,good if it gets aired.
It was all over the news here too.. And it's not that I don't feel for that woman's family. I do. But, when I hear those politicians saying things like: "This an attack against democracy" it feels like I'm listening to that lame excuse for an American president.. The woman got stabbed, and apparantly there was no political motive whatsoever. At least that's what the news and papers here say. So what the fuck does it have to do with democracy? People get stabbed every day. But with the ordinary people it isn't an attack against democracy.. Politicians who try to use things like that in their own advantage (which they are with that referendum about the euro so near) make me sick..

But it's a good thing they're playing Evergrey's music ;)
Hmmm Anneke I think you're wrong.
It is most likely an attack against her political person and her political believes.
We are in Sweden at the moment in the end of the big votingperiod for wheter we will join the EMU-cooperation or not.
She was for "yes" and could be seen on posters all over the country and many people have been agrassive when she has been out speaking her mind about voting yes to EMU.
Saxiquine said:
Hmmm Anneke I think you're wrong.
It is most likely an attack against her political person and her political believes.
We are in Sweden at the moment in the end of the big votingperiod for wheter we will join the EMU-cooperation or not.
She was for "yes" and could be seen on posters all over the country and many people have been agrassive when she has been out speaking her mind about voting yes to EMU.

Yes indeed, I know all that.. But in the Dutch press they stated that it wasn't clear yet if it was just a simple (not the corrext word to use but whatever) accident / murder / result of a robbery gone bad.. They said that it most likely had nothing to do with her political beliefs. I don't understand Swedish (as has been demonstrated mutliple times when the Evergrey guys start talking in their Eutenteutenfleuten-language) so I have no idea that what they translated was correct. But I trust in our newsanchors so ;)
If it was an attack against het political beliefs then it is indeed an attack against democracy.. Like we had in The Netherlands with Pim Fortuin..
Are there more details known by now?
They said on the national television yesterday that it probably wasn't a robbery gone bad and that the attacker was after Anna and noone else.
But besides that they don't know too much. They have some leads though.
Well enough about politics now.
Have a great night tonight!!!
Saxiquine said:
They said on the national television yesterday that it probably wasn't a robbery gone bad and that the attacker was after Anna and noone else.
But besides that they don't know too much. They have some leads though.
Well enough about politics now.
Have a great night tonight!!!

That would truly suck.. I really hope that isn't the case..

I'm in a very political mood today. Wherever I go the conversation turns the political way.. lol I have been talking with this guy from work about downloading and those lawsuites some labels have started all morning..

Anyway, I'll sure have fun.. And I'll say hi to that of your life for ya ;)
the man was clearly insane or on drugs or with a personality disorder these things happen; sad but true there was also on the news the same day that in Arvika Sweden some mentally deranged man butchered a 5 year old girl in a kindergarten... sad. Luckily there are not many persons that disturbed in this world

now they're talking about enhancing the security over ministers in the nordic countries, I dunno if they want to be followed around everywhere!

that´s dutch or flemish!!

I´m sorry is the worst song I´ve heard from Evergrey( not saying that it´s really bad though)
this has been a bad week..
my bestfriends girlfriends bestfriend :))), dissapeared from sundsvall on saturday evening.. she was found, buried and murdered by her ex-boyfriend in hudiksvall.. she was so young..
the swedish police sucks.. 20 km from my hometown (veeeery small town, not even a town, called sunne) a guy was stabbed with a knife one saturday, just released from the hospital the guy went out on saturday with his friends and got stabbed again.. the police weren't there and has never been..
the fastfoodplaces in my town draw plenty of people to itself after parties and this year the place has turned out to a gladiatorarena where you can not walk safely..
and the police is never there..
fucking violence