A question about Patrick for the hardcore Evergrey fans...


Feb 18, 2007
Hey Evergrey fans! (first post)

First of all I want to say how much I have enjoyed Evergrey for the past few years of my life. I bought every album and all of them are in my Top 100 albums. I saw that occassionally Carina posts here and if you ever see this tell Tom thank you so much! I know he hears it all the time but he needs to keep hearing it. My favorite Evergrey albums are In Search of Truth and Recreation Day. The reason is because I love the way Patrick Carlsson drums. I know he's not technically super talented but his style fit the music so well. After Patrick left Evergrey, it's like he dropped off the face of the earth? If anyone knows what Patrick is doing now I would like to know? Any bands he's with or anything? And now Mikey left Evergrey too... man why do these guys always leave? Anyways I think Jonas does a good job trying to fill the shoes of Patrick. And I think in time Jonas will grow into being an excellent drummer for Evergrey, but still I would like to know the whereabouts of Mr. Carlsson if it's not super secret classified.

And Evergrey thanks again!! You ROCK!
Hi Starman,

I think Patrik came to a point in his life, where he decided to focus on other things than being on the road and do the heavy thing, like family and stuff. I don't think he plays, even for fun, in other bands either, but maybe someone else here would know with more details.

Well I knew all of that already. But thank you just the same. Anyways, anyone with any additional information regarding Patrick's current status (As it pertains to music) please feel free to update me! It seems like such a waste for such a drummer to retire from the trap altogether.
Hey Evergrey fans! (first post)

First of all I want to say how much I have enjoyed Evergrey for the past few years of my life. I bought every album and all of them are in my Top 100 albums. I saw that occassionally Carina posts here and if you ever see this tell Tom thank you so much! I know he hears it all the time but he needs to keep hearing it. My favorite Evergrey albums are In Search of Truth and Recreation Day. The reason is because I love the way Patrick Carlsson drums. I know he's not technically super talented but his style fit the music so well. After Patrick left Evergrey, it's like he dropped off the face of the earth? If anyone knows what Patrick is doing now I would like to know? Any bands he's with or anything? And now Mikey left Evergrey too... man why do these guys always leave? Anyways I think Jonas does a good job trying to fill the shoes of Patrick. And I think in time Jonas will grow into being an excellent drummer for Evergrey, but still I would like to know the whereabouts of Mr. Carlsson if it's not super secret classified.

And Evergrey thanks again!! You ROCK!

I agree that he's a great drummer, & obviously a founding member, & so the drumming that even Jonas plays of old songs live were crafted & whatnot by Pat. But, as far as Jonas being an ok drummer, & will gornw inot a beter one??? I highly disagree. I have seen "A.N.T.R." more times than I have counted, & he's amazing! He plays the old shit flawlessly & w/; in my opinion;, more adrenaline & energy then Pat. (No offense to Pat at all!!!) & plays the newer stuff from albums which he actually played/recorded on just as energetically! I think, that he is in my opinion a better drummer, & so good for such a young person too! He's only gonna keep getting EVEN BETTER!

BTW, I am NOT damning your opinion, I just think that Jonas is way better then you give him credit for is all. :)

Saxiquine, thank you so much! I looked everywhere for that information and I am so glad you found it! Sorry to take so long to respond but UM forums have been kind of screwed lately. At least for me. I will begin looking into them immediately. And EJC_74, of course I have A.N.T.R. and of course Jonas plays a great live show-but we never got to see a live show by Patrick. So you can't compare them live from an official production.

As to the recent stuff, Monday Morning Apocalypse is a great album but the drums are lackluster. They are not impressive, very subdued, standard, simple and boring. Although Evergrey is not known for their technical prowess-there is no doubt that each member is really good at their instrument and at the very least fit the music well. On ISOT, Patrick continually shows his innovation and variety throughout the album. The Inner Circle was a much better drumming album than MMA, and it's possible Jonas hasn't fit into the band quite yet-but I really miss Patrick.

Also, I disagree about A.N.T.R., meaning the fact that he replicates the old stuff perfectly. There are numerous errors-I can get you times if I really study it.. but all in all I do agree Jonas is/will doing/do a get job. He's not taking anything away, just not adding what we are used to with Patrick. What is it with the members of Evergrey? Man, the only member left from ISOT is Danhage (besides Tom). Although Mikey was not super good technical bass player, he really knew how to rock out. I hope Larsson is an adequate replacement. Of course Rikard is great and IMO better than Sven. So I am not complaining about that but I wonder is it possible that it may be difficult to work with Tom? Tom does seem like a guy who knows how he wants things and wants them that way no matter what. (I am that way myself.)

Again thanks Saxiquine.
yeah why not blame it on one guy.. I see that happen to more bands, but people just don't realize the toll it takes on a person to be in a touring band. Not many can cut it to have no money and try to pay the bills at home with temp jobs between tours, to be away from loved ones so much, to live the without doubt often hard life on the road. I would guess that about 80 or more % of all line up changes in touring bands are for those reasons.
Yes I've known the band and its members since 1999, so I am aware of it. And I still tell you it's not unusual for a touring band that is on the road a lot.:)

I see it happen with my friends of Into Eternity too (and many other touring bands for that matter) and there also people wonder (or simple accuse even) if the last original member and bandleader is the villain who chases everyone away. And even when such bandleaders are possibly not easy to work with (which I could imagine when they ask a lot from themselves as well as the musicians around them), I think someone strong enough to handle tour life will be able to handle that too :lol:
That's presuming a lot. I am not accusing Tom of running them out. But it is very possible Tom has an extremely distinct and dogmatic view of the way he wants the band and others may not agree thus they leave. I am exactly the same way. I know exactly how I want MY band to be. And people come and go in my band all the time. There's nothing wrong with it, but it just sucks when one of your favorite drummers leaves one of your favorite bands....
"Behead" has recently disbanded anyway. What a shame...Patrick Carlsson's drumming is bloody superb, those insane tom fills whilst in Evergrey were the shit! Tom and co., let us know if you hear of him again!!