Bad News (for those who care)

Rumors have been circulating on the net for the last 2 hours about Type o Negative frontman Peter Steele being dead. The band faked Peter Steele's death in 2005 (click here) and there have been several other rumors before and after. Due to this, The Gauntlet held off on posting...until Mistress Juliya just tweeted the following:

"Peter Steele passed today. I loved my friend...our heart is with his band and family..." followed by "he passed of heart failure today. Just spoke to Kenny"

We still hope it is a rumor, hoax, or anything other than being true, but credible information is coming in to the contrary.

This will suck if true as my last Type-O show was with Hatebreed...not the way I want to remember them.
Will post more throughout the night as info comes down.

****UPDATE 9:18pm PST
Beginning to see tweet's from Peter Steeles friends and family, those who would know if this is rumor or not stating the singer has fallen.

****UPDATE @GateKeeperZuul just reported to us that the official Type O Negative forums have now been locked barring all members access from them.