Baddest Motherf#cker Alive: David Allan Coe

How can you not love songs like pussy whipped again, cum stains on the pillow, my pals fucker, fuckin in the butt, she's fat im drunk, and Don't Bite the Dick (that fucks you)?! The man is an all around loveable guy.

Apparently, pantera did an album with him. dude is pretty old now.
Apparently, pantera did an album with him. dude is pretty old now.

Dimebag and Vinnie did an album with him, not the full band. I think it is called Rebel meets Rebel... song titles includes Cowboys Do More Dope, if I am not mistaken. And if I am still not mistaken, the album sucks...

Laughs at david allan coe

Hank III (along with Cash) turned me on to Outlaw Country but I haven't really dug much into it for now. It's a given that lots of it is borderline retarded/racist as far as the lyrics go, but I love the honesty of these guys...

It was so cool to have Hank finally coming over to Europe this year for some shows. This music obviously hasn't much of a basis over here. In fact, I know no one other than me who listens to that stuff over here. With the quite obvious exception of Johnny Cash...
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