

New Metal Member
Jan 24, 2003
I'm in the Metal band Baghead from Pittsburgh. We have a veriety of influences in our style of metal. A few bands we mix together would be: Slayer, Nevermore, Meshuggah, Pantera and
Cannibal Corpes(minus the vocals)
We believe in keeping our music HEAVY AND TECHNICAL but also DIVERSE. If you like killer guitar leads and technical drumming, Baghead is the band for you. We have 3 mp3's on our site. Check them out.
If you like what you hear, back me up and let everybody know that it's worth the time to download.
The music's pretty good, but the production isn't too good. Sounds like my speakers are cutting out, but they aren't.
But it does kick some ass.
The songs on our website are the earlier versions of those songs. We rerecorded them for the album. All the recordings are done by us and at the time we were still new at it but we got it down now. The new recordings will be up soon so check them out if you get the chance.