Sickest Metal In All The Land!!!!!!


New Metal Member
Jan 24, 2003
I'm in the Metal band Baghead from Pittsburgh. We have a veriety of influences in our style of metal. A few bands we mix together would be: Slayer, Nevermore, Meshuggah, Pantera and
Cannibal Corpes(minus the vocals)
We believe in keeping our music HEAVY AND TECHNICAL but also DIVERSE. If you like killer guitar leads and technical drumming, Baghead is the band for you. We have 3 mp3's on our site. Check them out.
If you like what you hear, back me up and let everybody know that it's worth the time to download.
What? Do you think people are going to check out my band if I'm like " uh.... I'm in a band. Check us out. NO!!! So what if I talk big about my band. Is there a problem with me thinking my band is awsome??? It's either that or I think my band sucks. If you were in a band which one would you pick? Would you write music that sucked?? That's stupid. Now check out my band!! WE KICK ASS!!!!!
yeah, some people just like to hide behind their computer and talk shit on bands that they haven't even heard . It doesn't matter though.
JREG: I sent you an e-mail about swaping some links if you're interested.
Originally posted by BagheadLead
yeah, some people just like to hide behind their computer and talk shit on bands that they haven't even heard . It doesn't matter though.

I assume you're referring to me.
I have heard you.I checked you out with an open mind because I like some of the bands you compared yourself to.
I wasn't impressed.Normally I would be a bit more reserved in my opinions if I didn't like what I heard but you went all out talking about how great you are and I really didn't feel that was the case.
Uninspired and unoriginal.
Originally posted by BagheadLead
What? Do you think people are going to check out my band if I'm like " uh.... I'm in a band. Check us out. NO!!! So what if I talk big about my band. Is there a problem with me thinking my band is awsome??? It's either that or I think my band sucks. If you were in a band which one would you pick? Would you write music that sucked?? That's stupid. Now check out my band!! WE KICK ASS!!!!!

You sound like a bitch.

Also, the world really doesn't need another generic metal band. Give up. You will go nowhere.