BAN wallpapers?


May 16, 2004
Does anyone know where I can find wallpaper size versions of the covers of ultima thulee and memoria vetusta I (new versions) to use for my desktop? Or a way to expand a smaller version to 1076 x 768? Thanks
Yeah wtf the original version of Memoria Vetusta is like the best damn painting ever. Fuck Candlelight. They always make typos etc. If you care to find it, you can see one on the re-release of MV as well! A lot of their graphic design is good but very abstract and too cramped and weird. Some of it is pretty bad. And they made the Overmars DVD that came with their newest CD the wrong fucking REGION...
V.V.V.V.V. said:
And they made the Overmars DVD that came with their newest CD the wrong fucking REGION...

No shit? Man, I'm glad I didn't pick that up. I've got the promo, and was considering the CD/DVD version....
Oh don't get me wrong, it's a great CD! And I bought it for 10 bucks used (should have known something would be wrong when I found a CD+DVD of a good band for 10 bucks used, but I digress)...but damn. I was pretty disappointed.