Band I am working on - 5150II content

This is the same band that I was working on on my previous 5150II tone thread. This is one of their finished songs with vocals etc. I'd like some feedback on this mix, I am getting pretty close to the final product. The vocals on this track might be a little low, and the snare is a bit dry too, but thats the best I could get out of the snare for now.


Feel free to ask about any aspect of the recording

sounds pretty good man, the guitars might benefit from an eq adjustment, maybe cut the mids slightly and bring up the highs a little bit

vocals could be louder in certain parts like right when they come in for the first time when the mix is busy

what settings did you use on the 5150?
Cheers for the feedback guys. I agree 100% with whats been said so far. I have spent quite a while trying to EQ out the mids on the guitars, but they seem to lose all their body. Ill keep working at it!

s34nsm411, I grabbed these settings from an older thread - they were:

As far as the guitars, I used the PodXT's Tubescreamer emulation () but it still sounded better using it than not, so whatever I guess. Settings on the 5150II were:

Lead Channel

Pre: Just over 2
Low: 5
Mid: Just over 3
High: Just before 4
Resonance: 6
Presence: 5

Mic was one 57, just on the edge of dustcap. Speakers were all G12T-75W's.

Oz, drums are DFHS. I also mixed in either a Sonor snare, or a "Canopus Zelkova" snare that I made samples from, from the C&V add on. I'll check that out. The kick is the DFHS mixed with a Tama kick sample I have knocking about.

Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll try and upload a new clip soon
Sounds great! Man do I love 5150 guitar tones... anyways: guitars a bit too upfront for me, burying the drums a bit. Guitars have enough presence to back them up a little.

The snare is bit characterless, as in: you hear it hit, it works... but it doesn't add something to the music.
god damn man, this shit is fucking brutal. to be honest, that is one of the best guitar tones ive heard on this board that has been mic'd. i agree with what tym_ex said about the snare being lifeless, but i think the mix is fucking brutal man. good work. haha, post some of their other shit youre working on... please?