Band Interview Questions


Street Team shindiggery.
Dec 16, 2008
Glasvegas, Scotland
I always find myself struggling to write questions for band interviews, no matter how big a fan I am of the band.

If you are a fan of Municipal Waste or Marduk I'd appreciate a hand ;)

What are the sort of questions you like to read in interviews?
1) When you guys started in 2001, did you think you would still be going strong in 2010?

2) Touring, What drives you tour? How do you cope with what can sometime tedious journeys?

3) you have released an album every 2 years since 2003 (which is odd) can we expect an album in 2011? If so do you have a working title?

If you need anymore, just ask
(for both)
what was the Album/song that changed the way you hear music?

what was it like when you were just starting to go see (or play) shows as teenagers? what venues/ basements/ garages/ shitholes-in-the-wall particularly stick out? give us a picture of the music scene that you were a part of in highschool.

(For Waste)
back when you guys were in junior high/ high school, who were the small unsigned bands that you went to go see/ looked up to/ wanted to die/ etc? describe them, who were the gems that never got to see the light?

At least, this is the stuff I'd want to talk about, were I the one being interviewed.

Edit: Almost forgot! For Marduk:

(try to keep a strait face on this one)
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior?
Shoot. I've always wanted to see footage of someone asking a black metal band that, whilst they're in full corpse paint of course.
Ew. Black Metal.... :lol:

One for Municipal Waste, Do you guys play video games? If so what's your favorite at the moment? Of all time?