Band vs band


Active Member
Apr 11, 2015
If there is another thread like this, just ignore this thread.
I searched for band vs band and I didn't see one, but I'm just making sure.

There was a game thread like this on another metal forum.

One person lists band 1 vs band 2.
The next person responds with the band out of those that they prefer.
For example, one person says Led Zeppelin vs Deep Purple.
Another person replies with their favorite of the two bands.
Let's say it's Led Zeppelin.

They then pick another band to compete with Led Zeppelin.

Next person does the same thing, and it goes on.
They do not have to be of the same genre, but it is best if they are similar.

I will start the game off:

Megadeth vs Metallica
i actually had a thread like this back in the day which went to hundreds of pages but it got deleted when my account got wiped or something. i think there was another one after that too. may as well start a new one though.