Bands inspired by the Conan the Barbarian soundtrack

Ayeka said:
Oh, I have :cool: nonetheless it kinda went over my head :loco: best just leave it at that ;) Spinal Tap is ok but not amazing, methinks...

I think it was the third time I watched it that the penny dropped. First two times, I just thought it was a bit of a comedy with a few one-liners. But the thing about ST is all the little things going on in the background, or the passing comments. Very clever stuff.

Rob Reiner is a great director. You seen the Princess Bride? Also very good.
No, ain't seen that :goggly: well, can't hurt do dig out the ol' Tap again, I suppose!

While we're on this, have you seen Rock Star? ;)
Rock Star is fantastic, especially if you grew up in the '80s like me. However, it's no Spinal Tap. That movie is pure brilliance.

Funny story: the little dive bar/club where I just saw Grave/Immolation/Goatwhore w/ Big Hairy Dave had all these TVs everywhere, and they were playing Spinal Tap during the 4 local acts performances. I think I watched more Spinal Tap than show! :lol:
I was way too ickle in the 80s, but I watched Rock Star and identified totally with the main character! I'm like, "OMIGOD! That's me! Steel Dragon = Iron Maiden!!!! :grin:"

Funnily, first time I saw it I had to stop it halfway through and go mishing, and I was thinking "Ye gods, this is the best film ever!". When I came back to it, though, it kind of got silly and fell apart. I was up a mate's house and was kind of apologising after it, "sorry dude, errr, it was actually really cool to start with!". Nonetheless, great film, worth watching all the way through ;)
I think Rock Star might have been better if:

(a) they didn't use that trog, Marky Mark Wahlberg.

(b) he didn't move to Seattle, put on that god-awful grandpa cardigan, and front a grunge band.

(c) Jennifer Aniston went a little further with that chick than just a friendly tongue-poke

Anyone seen the DECLINE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION: THE METAL YEARS? Now that is hilarious!
JayKeeley said:
(b) he didn't move to Seattle, put on that god-awful grandpa cardigan, and front a grunge band.

Man, that bit was tragic........ :cry:

Anyone seen the DECLINE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION: THE METAL YEARS? Now that is hilarious!

Read about that in the book lizard sent over :) (fucking awesome read, bro!) .... sounds classic, man. And tragic, also. That bit with Chris Holmes and his mum....ouch!