Bands like Drudkh

Bands similar to Enslaved:
Borknagar (FIRST album)
Hades (NOR)
Himinbjørg (first two albums)
Helheim (only get the first two albums)
Sólstafir (first EP "Til Valhallar," mainly)

Bands similar to Drudkh:
Astrofaes (Get "Heritage" and "Ancestors' Shadows." I'll get back on you concerning the new album, very recently released on tape format and soon on CD)
Hate Forest (these two make sense because Drudkh is comprised out of members of those bands. Also Lucifugum, who are not as similar. Early Hate Forest is more brutal and death-ish than the new album "Battlefields," which I suggest as a starting point)
Nokturnal Mortum
Burzum (You should know)
Manes ("Under ein Blodraud Maane")
Graveland (starting with "Thousand Swords")

Drudkh are pretty unique though in that nothing sounds exactly like them. The above are decent suggestions for what you might like though.
Erik's recommendations are all worthwhile and somewhat similar to Drudkh. As he mentioned, no band sounds identical. Some others that might catch your interest:

Kataxu - Roots Thunder
Woodtemple - Feel the Anger of the Wind
Nehemah - Light of a Dead Star
Nagelfar - Hunengrab im Herbst and Srontgorrth
Nachtfalke's "Hail Victory Teutonia" will probably be your thing.

Hades' "The Dawn of the Dying Sun" is essential.
Burzum: Philosophem,
Nargaroth: Geliebte des Regens
Velvet Cacoon: Genevieve
and the best of the ones listed (though i only know one song from Velvet Cacoon):
Xasthur: Nocturnal Poisoning

They are at least similiar in sound and production, as well as the general musical direction (slow-paced slightly depressed and rather monotonous (too monotonous for my taste) bm).
The first two mentioned albums also are similiar to Drudkh considering the anachronist or pagan elements.
In regards to Drudkh...

Abyssic Hate is still by far the best at this type of black metal sound IMO.

Other notable bands in this style would be...

Apud Inferos
Yea... I dunno, but Burzum definitely did it better than Xasthur and Abyssic Hate as far as I'm concerned. Drudkh isn't really going for the exactly the same thing, with their nature theme and all. But they're still pretty good :)
Erik said:
Bands similar to Enslaved:
Borknagar (FIRST album)
Hades (NOR)
Himinbjørg (first two albums)
Helheim (only get the first two albums)
Sólstafir (first EP "Til Valhallar," mainly)

Bands similar to Drudkh:
Astrofaes (Get "Heritage" and "Ancestors' Shadows." I'll get back on you concerning the new album, very recently released on tape format and soon on CD)
Hate Forest (these two make sense because Drudkh is comprised out of members of those bands. Also Lucifugum, who are not as similar. Early Hate Forest is more brutal and death-ish than the new album "Battlefields," which I suggest as a starting point)
Nokturnal Mortum
Burzum (You should know)
Manes ("Under ein Blodraud Maane")
Graveland (starting with "Thousand Swords")

Drudkh are pretty unique though in that nothing sounds exactly like them. The above are decent suggestions for what you might like though.
Read. Comprehend. Do.
Abyssic Hate isn't bad? If you have any respect for early black metal at all, you'd know that Abyssic Hate is basically a mockery/joke band making fun of Burzum and bands like that for their suicidal theme. You can tell by the way the band doesn't try at all in the lyrics or music department.
I think Shane wants all the loser over-emotional teens who listen to his music to kill themselves, hence the suicidal lyrics and stuff. I dunno, I read some interview once...
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Abyssic Hate isn't bad? If you have any respect for early black metal at all, you'd know that Abyssic Hate is basically a mockery/joke band making fun of Burzum and bands like that for their suicidal theme. You can tell by the way the band doesn't try at all in the lyrics or music department.
Uh... What? Sorry, but that's ridiculous.

1) When the FUCK did Burzum have a suicidal theme? Oh wait, you can't read Norwegian so you probably go by what other people as ignorant as you have said. HINT: Burzum has NEVER dealt with suicide.

2) Abyssic Hate formed in 1993. I'd consider that fairly early for a second-wave band.

3) The band TRIES, and SUCCEEDS, very well. "Suicidal Emotions" is one of the best albums in the genre, and many think the same. If you don't agree, fine, but writing off Abyssic Hate as a "joke band" is some of the most ridiculous shit I've ever seen written.

4) I don't know about you, but I consider lyrics like these to be, if not supreme art, at least better than most shit bands. You can AT LEAST TELL HE TRIES. What the fuck, back under your bridge, troll.
I wouldn't called AH a joke band either, I'd just call them derivative and boring, except their earlier stuff which was better. I don't like those lyrics, they're rather whiny.