Bands like Drudkh

Guardian of Darkness said:
I wouldn't called AH a joke band either, I'd just call them derivative and boring, except their earlier stuff which was better.
Their early stuff is FAR more derivative than "Suicidal Emotions." This is fact and cannot be argued. Whether you find it more boring or not is subjective, of course.
Erik said:
Their early stuff is FAR more derivative than "Suicidal Emotions." This is fact and cannot be argued. Whether you find it more boring or not is subjective, of course.

Bah, all their work I've heard clones the hell out of Burzum, including Suicidal Emotions, but the latter drags on and on, meandering aimlessly with typical melodies and structures. Stuff like "Cleansing of an Ancient Race" is tidier and more effective.
Suicidal Emotions, while obviously derived from Filosofem Burzum, has such originality, such emotion, and such pure misanthropic hate for the human race, that it deserves respect for what it acheives, whether you like it or not.
I used to think "Suicidal Emotions" was full of "Filosofem" clonery... Then I listened to it more and realized the comparisons are more superficial and form-related than anything. While the music it is obviously heavily influenced by Burzum, the riffing style is often very unique and immediately identifiable as Abyssic Hate. Sometimes when I write music I come up with something and scrap it because I think "naaah, that's too Abyssic Hate." That, to me, means the band came up with something of their own.

"Depression pt. 1" starting at around 10:09 is a good example. Totally Burzum-influenced, perhaps, but not QUITE the same. In the end, the album is unique.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Wow, the Vargtimmen albums are pretty good from what I've heard. Where I can buy some Wyrd? And are their other releases as good?

If memory serves me correctly they only printed 500 copies and they are now all gone.
Decadent said:
Suicidal Emotions, while obviously derived from Filosofem Burzum, has such originality, such emotion, and such pure misanthropic hate for the human race, that it deserves respect for what it acheives, whether you like it or not.

Suicidal Emotions is one of the most bland BM LPs that I've ever heard. I have an original for trade, actually.
Decadent said:
Suicidal Emotions, while obviously derived from Filosofem Burzum, has such originality, such emotion, and such pure misanthropic hate for the human race, that it deserves respect for what it acheives, whether you like it or not.

Ditto that.