bands like...


New Metal Member
Aug 20, 2012
hi, i am looking for bands similar to the bsnd "Texas in July", ive been looking for some time now and all the bands i find have to slower parts where the vocalist sings, and im looking for the whole song to be screaming.
Ive also been trying to find somewhere to get my hands on some of KeeN's music (Itialian band) ive been looking for some of there stuff and the only place i can find it is on youtube, (and how am i supposed to use youtube while im working?)
anyway thanks in advance for your help!
just throwing it out there, try:
Before the torn,
Forever orion (their song Elevation),
A hope not forgotten (Humility, & Two years and counting)
A sequence of ghosts (The hostage)
Curse at 27 (Anguish)
Haste the day (pick up their album When everything falls)
Look, I'm burning (This is why we can't have nice things)
The word alive (The hounds of anubis, anything from the album Deceiver)
Miss may I (their album Apologies are for the weak)
The eyes of a traitor (Echoes, Like clockwork)
The ghost inside.

i wont say these are similar to Texas in july though, but close enough, and quite melodic and catchy. hope this helps :)
hey thanks man, i realized after i posted it i could have made it easier by saying august burns red insted of texas in july, but i really like all the stuff you posted, especially before the torn, and thanks again.