Bands to check out


Music is everything
Sep 21, 2005
Mass, USA
I thought there may be people out here like me always looking for something they havn't heard yet anyway i just found these myself and thought some of you would like to check em out

Silent Memorial

Also just skimmed threw some cloudscape I know I have seen them mentioned here before but not bad at all
Triosphere was pretty cool. Refreshing to see a female fronted band that's not about tits in a dress singing opera.

There are tons of threads like these on the boards. I don't mean that in a "so that means you don't have to post another one" way, I mean it in a "so those might interest you as well" way.

Another recommendation is to check the Now Playing thread. Sometimes, cool people like me leave comments to what they're listening to.

Edit: fuck me, she plays bass as well. what a woman.
Deep Purple
The Who
Blue Öyster Cult

fuck all your new shit, listen to more of these ^
Im old and I never got much enjoyment out of the Who, couldnt rock to save their ass. Behind Blue Eyes, Wont Get Fooled Again, The Theme from Tommy, opening rhythm to Pinball Wizard and the bass part from The Real Me was it. The rest was good for domestics "ou pa magic bus ?" "mommas got a squeeze box, daddy couldnt sleep at night ? chezzy assed lame shit :Puke:
Im old and I never got much enjoyment out of the Who, couldnt rock to save their ass. Behind Blue Eyes, Wont Get Fooled Again, The Theme from Tommy, opening rhythm to Pinball Wizard and the bass part from The Real Me was it. The rest was good for domestics "ou pa magic bus ?" "mommas got a squeeze box, daddy couldnt sleep at night ? chezzy assed lame shit :Puke:

Same, never much liked the Who, almost too simple, didnt have much of depth i thought.

Can't mention great classics without Dio And Dio-era Sabbath!
Oh, I forgot Baba O'riley or how ever its spelled, good song in its time. What I noticed was these early radio hits were the best they had, buy a album for them and be highly let down. Yes very simplistic usually in vocal application almost a toddler kind of sing along melody simplicity and Daltrys voice was rarely pleasing to me but I give him credit for his moments which shined quite well. Townsends guitar work was bla at best, I never even understood the hype surrounding Pete Moons drumming, I'd need to suffer through some songs again and make a better evaluation but Baker, Mitchell and Bonham were way better or far more interesting. The jem in that band was "The Ox" Entwistle (sp?)

They do deserve credit for being amounsts the first bombastic rock bands though
Deep Purple
The Who
Blue Öyster Cult

fuck all your new shit, listen to more of these ^

I listened to Kansas all morning. And BÖC fucking rocks as well. Not much into Deep Purple, Rainbow and the Who.

But fuck that new 70s shit, listen to some medieval pilgrimage music.
I had to go to the fucking library to get some of this stuff.
I don't really consider Morglbl "prog" more fusion than anything else, but no matter how you classify them, they are a fantastic band on cd, and even better live! (Nice guys too!)