Bands with good bass players


Oct 4, 2005
I need some motovation.
Do you guys know of any Metal bands that have good audible bass players thats not all slapin funk primus stuff.?:headbang:
Disincarnate said:
i forgot to mention
sun caged

Which songs have even audible bass parts?

Also, check out Liquid Tension Experiment. And Symphony X will sometimes have some decent bass playing.
I'll check your suggestions. Thanks
I've been listening to alot of Nevermore lately. Killer music but the bass is not to be heard, I'm sure he's lighting it up you just cant hear it.
Usually bands where the bass isn't heard don't have lighting-up bass players. But I like what Nevermore's bassist does sometimes - he has a really really heavy sound behind him, so when they play a song like "The River Dragon Has Come," the heavy parts hit you really hard.
You guys all know my faves, if you've ever read here in this forum ever, that is...
Seems we bring this one up from time to time. So I'm not going to start making it a list to end all lists as we're bound to just bring it up again down the road.
But I was thinking of a couple of guys this morning...

There's a death metal band from Poland called Pavor, the bass player is totally sick. Fucking brutal music with insane shred bass.

I saw already someone has Zero Hour. Troy is sicker than you might think you know...get the new album...Shit, Fragile something - I can't remember the title right now, it's got Picture This singer on it...that album rules and Troy lets loose some shit you've never heard before.

And Erik Tiwaz (Tyr) is back in Borknagar, and I've heard that there's some sweet fretless action on the new all-acoustic album. Keep and eye out for that one...!

I'm still maintaining my three favorites:
Spiral Architect - A Skeptic's Universe
Ark - Burn The Sun
John West - Mind Journey

But more and more there are getting to be new albums and bassists to mention, and that can only be a good thing.
Steve, Pavor are Germans. I believe their bass player did some vocals for a weird black-or-whatever-metal band called Bethlehem as well (which are not recommended in terms of bass playing, haha...).
Are you sure? Man, that might explain why he never wrote me back after I sent him an email regarding his cd...! Perhaps I referred to Polish metal or something. Shit, I know that aside from Italians the Germans don't like to be confused with Polish...hehehe...!!! The only thing worse is calling an American a Canadian.

Anyway, I either mixed up Pavor's country of origin, or got the band name wrong. My apologies Mr.Shredder Death Metal Bassist, whichever country you're from. You still destroy bass guitar. And fans of good bass playing, well extraordinary mayhemic domination of bass, in a very brural context should check him out.
A review of their cd:
"Compared to this band, Atheist and Cynic seem like 3-chords-punk, Steve Vai and Joe Satriani like guitar pupils, Steve DiGiorgio like a total beginner on the bass and Gene Hoglan like a school band drummer... Result: 6 out of 5 points"

I second everyone mentioning Atheist.

However, I'ma list some shit that's not necessarily metal but very inspiring and bass-filled nonetheless.

Violent Femmes- s/t. This is honest, acoustic rock 'n' roll with a highlighted Brian Ritchie tearing up his Earthwood Acoustic.

Emerson, Lake and Palmer- Pictures at an Exhibition. A live rearrangement of classical Russian music for bass, keyboard and drums. Just awesome.

Muse- Absolution. Friggin' throw on a track like "Hysteria" and TRY to tell me that Chris Wolstenhome can't tear it up.

Schoolyard Heroes- Fantastic Wounds. Local band here, steadily getting bigger. Maiden-meets-Misfits-meets Botch. Full of throaty guitar, operatic female vocals and circular, precise rhythms. Check out Jonah's bass licks as he moves under the guitar.

Third Eye Blind- s/t. Yeah, the epitome of post-grunge pop. But Arion Salazar's countermelodies and melodic chops make this worth your money, as do the catchy hooks.

AFI- The Art of Drowning. Now they pretty much suck, but the older records are cool, macabre takes on oldschool hardcore. There's some cool double stops and great tone from Hunter on this one. Great song writing and riffing, too.

Charles Mingus- Mingus Ah Um. A jazz classic. Great upright bass tone from Mingus himself, and the ensemble playing is impeccable.

The Cure- Disintegration. A dense, heavy, emotional album. Great on rainy days. Fantastic vocals from Robert Smith. Simon Gallup really anchors the songs with slight counterpoint and rythmic drive.

There's also some band called Sadus, but I hear their bassist is a douchebag :loco: :p

HippieOfDoom said:
I saw already someone has Zero Hour. Troy is sicker than you might think you know...get the new album...Shit, Fragile something - I can't remember the title right now, it's got Picture This singer on it...that album rules and Troy lets loose some shit you've never heard before.

Yeah, he does some bass sweeps on that :headbang:
Many good bass players have already been mentioned (including Steve, Sean Malone, Lars K. Norberg...), but I'd like to add a few :

for inventivity :
- Justin Chancellor from Tool
- C:M. Botteri from In the Woods...
- Stephen A. Martin from Buried Inside (
- Hugh Steven James Mingay (Skoll) from Arcturus, ex-Ved Buens Ende (on Written in Waters)
- Peter Bernsten from Virus, now in Ved Buens Ende

for technical ability (as well as inventivity, though) :
- Johan DeFarfalla from Opeth (on both Orchid and Morningrise, nothing to do with that midget they recruited since :oops: )
- Michael MacIvor from Candiria
- Arkaitz Carrasco from Continuo Renacer, an interesting Cynic-like band (
- Jean-Jacques Moréac from Misanthrope
- Matthieu Gervreau from Asmodée ( - check out song Séquelles)