Bands with good bass players

Reapie said:
- Johan DeFarfalla from Opeth (on both Orchid and Morningrise, nothing to do with that midget they recruited since :blush: )

Ouch. Man, I love Martin Mendez's playing. Perfectly-mixed tone and simple melodies that make their mark without dominating and deviate slightly from the guitars while staying steadily with the drums. Ideal for Opeth.

Johan was good too though.
Travis said:
Check out Spastic Ink's Ink Complete and Between the Buried and Me's Alaska. Just do it, you'll thank me.

I don't think I need to mention any Death.

Jesus Christ..............I can't forgive myself not telling about Pete Perez work on Spastic Ink.................................too bad we don't hear much of him today.
dare i say DEATH FROM ABOVE 1979
good tunes

hey STEVE the new SEB BACH album sounds VERY promising!!!
Vintersorg is actually a very good bassist. He plays bass on Waterclime - The Astral Factor (not metal though, prog rock) and Cronian - Terra, and he really shows what he's made of on these two releases!

Also you should check out Steve's bass playing on the two Vintersorg albums "Visions From The Spiral Generator" and "The Focusing Blur"

Another awesome player is Yusaf "Vicotnik" Parvez aka Viper (<Code>, Ved Buens Ende, Dodheimsgard). The album, "Nouvaeu Gloaming" by <Code> in particular is chock full of atmospheric, creative bass playing, not just another black metal album where the bassist typically follows the guitar constantly.
Reapie said:
Hugh Steven James Mingay (Skoll) from Arcturus, ex-Ved Buens Ende (on Written in Waters)

He also played for Ulver on every release through "Themes From William Blake's Marriage Of Heaven and Hell". He has given many inspiring performances! Nattens Madrigal is one of the few black metal albums with creative bass playing.
vintersorg (on visions from the spiral generator and the focusing blur)
borknagar (tyr)
cynic/aghora/portal/cortlandt/gordian knot/ (sean malone)

see steve bailey
Yeah, I'd like to hear what he actually plays. Do they have a myspace or any thing?
Yeah, I'd would actually like to hear what he plays. Do they have a myspace or anything?
do you guys listen to anything old like steve harris or geezer butler? theres also some great old blues and jazz bassists you can learn from like wille dixon or charnett moffett, etc.