Bands with only bass guitars


New Metal Member
Feb 18, 2014
Hello All,

I am new to this site. I was wondering if anyone knows of any bands that use bass guitars (4,5,6...string) exclusively instead of conventional guitars. For example, one bass to play a regular bass line, one tuned to play rhythm, and another to play lead. Has anyone heard of anyone trying this?


Bishop Capricornus

My band is also doing just bass and drums at the moment but we haven't been able to record anything yet and there aren't crazy bass lines, just a bunch of noise type shit similar to Godflesh or early Swans with some stonery type parts.
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Obviously Necromantia.

Also, metal archives says Ride For Revenge have guitars, but as I recall, you won't hear them really, if they're even there. Sounded pretty worthless the one time I heard them though, so stick with Necromantia.
Wow, thanks for the suggestions!! So far I've listened to Om and BellWitch and they sound incredible! I will be sure to check out Necromantia and Horse Lattiutudes.

I'm not a bass or guitar player, but I bet 3 bass guitars with high/low tunings would sound phenomenal!