Bands with self-titled songs


Still Writes in Crayon
Feb 20, 2003
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i've noticed many bands have made songs of their band name or mentioned their name in one of their songs, or make a play of it...

Anthrax - "Anthrax"
Slayer - "Metal Storm / Face the Slayer"
Megadeth - "Last Rites/Loved to Deth"
Megadeth - "Shadow of Deth"
(etc. with the Megadeth songs)
Exodus - "Exodus"
Iced Earth - "Iced Earth"

and Metallica mentions their name in "Whiplash" i believe

do you think the bands ever look back and think "damn, that was pretty corny"? i guess i always picture the songs trying to put a tough meaning behind their name or something, lol i don't know
especially Slayers, with "Metal Storm" on the front, i think that's pretty damn corny too, songs with the word "metal" in it... "Metal Militia", etc.
Anthrax's "Fistful of Metal" album... with "Metal Thrashing Mad"... stuff like that... that's a kickass song though :D (on GO2E at least, the original Fistful of Metal album kinda loses my attention pretty fast, but that's just me)
the only band i'm pretty sure never made a song with a title of those sorts are Testament

so what's my point? there isn't one, but after looking at the song title "Metal Storm / Face the Slayer" again and shaking my head once more i figured i'd ask if other people felt the same
not forgetting iron maiden who had 'iron maiden'

here's a sidetrack: bands that swear in songs

have iron maiden ever swore in a song? what about megadeth?
we all know thrax love a good f-word here and there.
megadeth swears a little in some of their songs, nothing over the top of course, more along the lines of thrax
max said:
not forgetting iron maiden who had 'iron maiden'

here's a sidetrack: bands that swear in songs

have iron maiden ever swore in a song? what about megadeth?
we all know thrax love a good f-word here and there.

Bruce sings "shit" in "Holy Smoke".
Scott once commented during a show in 1989 that he had absolutely no idea what the lyrics to "Anthrax" are about. Neil Turbin wrote them.

Overkill had "Overkill." Several of them, actually. Motorhead had an "Overkill" too. Oh, the drama never stops.

I think Anthrax needs a self-titled album.
jdelpi said:
I think Anthrax needs a self-titled album.
That's a good idea, dude. The album cover should be all black, except when you hold it at a certian angle, you can see "ANTHRAX" on the top left, and a cheesy looking snake on the bottom right.
That would rule.
I sure hope Metallica looked back and said that about some of the songs on Kill em All ( I love old Metallica) but I hate looking at the lyrics for Seek and Destroy, they go on for fucking ever, and are so pointless, and heres another gem.."No life till leather, gonna kick some ass tonight" wow Lars such thought went into that line.

House of Seance said:
do you think the bands ever look back and think "damn, that was pretty corny"? QUOTE]
Hey if it makes John start singing "GIMME FEUUUUL GIMME FAAAAIIIIRE GIMME THAT WHICH I DESIREEYEEAAAA" I don't think so.
ThraxDude said:
That's a good idea, dude. The album cover should be all black, except when you hold it at a certian angle, you can see "ANTHRAX" on the top left, and a cheesy looking snake on the bottom right.
That would rule.


Far beyond cheesy...

Give me fuel give me fire, give me Lars under a tire!