Bane of Winterstorm - The Last Sons Of Perylin

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
I promise this is absolutely the last for today! I was gonna call it a day but when something totally epic falls on your lap, you've gotta pick it up and take a big juicy bite! This is some epic power metal shit right here. It reminds me quite a bit of the almighty Lost Horizon. Great super smooth vocals too although there are lots of guests on the other songs such as Lord Tim and the Dragonland guy. This will be an awesome album make no mistake and would you believe it the guys are from down under! Sunny Melbourne to be precise but they have the Italian sound down pat! If you enjoy your power metal on the highly epic and mighty side then Bane of Winterstorm is like entering Valhalla itself after a good day's killing!

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Wow, what a fantastic song! Epic/symphonic power metal, exactly the way I like it.

I'll definitely pick this one up if the rest of the album has the same quality!
Perhaps a slight homage to Dissection's Storm of the Light's Bane?
