Bang Your Head Video


WatchTower Webmaster
Feb 12, 2002
Have any of you seen the video of WatchTower, when they performed at the Bang Your Head Festival, in Balingen Germany on 7/1/2000???

If so, I'd like to hear your thoughts on this performance...


P.S.... I forgot : The video that I have, basically has 2 shows on it... First, the Bang Your Head show.... THEN a "DRUM CAM" show... It's basically the same show, but the camera is behind Rick... totally focusing on that crazy friggin drumming thing he does :)
Hi All...

WatchTower Live Video!!!!
Bang Your Head Festival (Balingen, Germany)

50 Minute Set (side stage follow CAM)
followed by:
50 Minute Set (Drum CAM)!!!!

$35 Postage Paid

Send Money Order (made out to Jason McMaster) or American Money to :

P.O. Box 33418
Austin, TX 78764

Please Include:
1. What you want (Bang Your Head Video)
2. Your Name and Shipping Address

This information will also be posted on the WatchTower site this upcoming weekend (in the Merch section)... A set list will also be posted...

Enjoy !!!

Barry (WatchTower WebMaster)
Ouch!-just kidding, I'm sure it will be well worth it. I'll have to run it by my boss (wife) it may take some sweet talking, but I will have it!
Well, they don't stay on one side of the stage for long :)

If you were standing in the crowd, watching the show, the video is filmed from the left side of the stage...
Barry, so you mean the show was filmed from the audience? The footage I have was actually filmed on the stage. It would be cool to combine all the camera angles for a nice 3 or 4 camera edit.:grin:
I haven't yet seen the 'Drum Cam' footage. I bet it's amazing.
I don't think that's what he's saying. He's just saying from the perspective of a crowd member, the camera would have been on the left side of the stage ('cause he is unsure which side is "Ron's" side and which is "Doug's" side, and just saying left or right would lead to asking left or right from who's perspective). I think that is what he meant.
I understand what you're saying jimbob:)

I went and re-read what Barry had posted and it made more sense the second time.

I still want to see the footage filmed from the 'stage right' camera. Anyone seen that angle yet? I know it's all pretty much the same, but I'd like to put together a multi-angle edit of the show. That would rock!