Bank wants man's home, he bulldozes it!

Hoskins said he'd gotten a $170,000 offer from someone to pay off the house, but the bank refused, saying they could get more from selling it in foreclosure.

they seriously deserved that. You don't fucking refuse an offer to settle a debt as a source to make more gains, not only did they deserve that, they also deserve to face criminal charges.

How ironic is that it was the IRS that set the lien on both properties, followed by the back refusing to accept the sum of what would pay off the house.
they seriously deserved that. You don't fucking refuse an offer to settle a debt as a source to make more gains, not only did they deserve that, they also deserve to face criminal charges.

How ironic is that it was the IRS that set the lien on both properties, followed by the back refusing to accept the sum of what would pay off the house.

Yeah that part was pretty confusing. I would have thought that such action on the banks behalf could have lead to them being sued. Though I guess if they own the title to the house until the loan is paid in full they could probably legally decline any offer.
pretty wild story

but now the guy will be ruined in debt.

True, but no more than he already was really. The only thing that happens now is he still owes them $160k, which thinking about it he was on track to pay as part of a 20-year mortgage most likely ($350k house, 10 years later it's at $160k balance, more than half the mortgage paid off) anyway. So the way I see it, props to him fucking the bank over because instead of him owing them $160k and the bank forecloses anyway and auctions it off (probably getting 70% market value or similar) so just say a nice $400k+ bonus for the bank there. So now the bank only gets the $160k, so far anyway... I'm pretty sure the bank cannot go after him for dozing the home, but not 100%. More power to the guy, I wish more stuff like this would happen, it would take a while but eventually things might change.

The worst part is the bank rejecting the offer to not only pay the debt off, but an additional $10k... I mean, wtf kind of pieces of shit work at this bank lol.

EDIT: I was high when I made this post and I just realized it is entirely unnecessarily lengthy. That's all.