Banner @ Orphaned Land's web site...

Angrafan said:

Check out the banner announcing their prog power appearance... LOL It's extremely cool.. :)

Haha, that's great. "Hurricane Ivan was nothing!"

Well, if they have to sandbag the doors of the Fairfield Inn again because of the flood-that-is-Orphaned Land, at least it won't affect too many PP fans.....just the bands and the invading hairdressers. :Spin: :tickled:
The contrast between Kreator's American and South-American tour is quite shocking. I guess that kind of stuff must just be more popular in South America, unfortunately.
Thanks Kobi.... We should give credit to Mike (guardian26) as well... He helped with the idea... He deserves a free beer as well! hahahahaha

By the way Mike, I have to talk to you with urgency... IM me or email me!


guardian26 said:
Nice !!!!!!!!!!!! but i think i heard that someplace before MILTON

Okay, this shows how much of a lit-geek I am, but was I the only person who read this and thought "What, did Milton mention something about Hurricane Ivan and ProgPower (or the Flood, or Orphaned Land) in Paradise Lost? Wow, who knew?!"

Yep, thought so. I am a lit-geek. :tickled:

Great job on the banner, guys. I might steal it for my site and invoke it closer to PP ticket-day. :worship: :D
Pellaz said:
Okay, this shows how much of a lit-geek I am, but was I the only person who read this and thought "What, did Milton mention something about Hurricane Ivan and ProgPower (or the Flood, or Orphaned Land) in Paradise Lost? Wow, who knew?!"

Yep, thought so. I am a lit-geek. :tickled:

Great job on the banner, guys. I might steal it for my site and invoke it closer to PP ticket-day. :worship: :D

Pellaz, you are a geek, but in an interesting coincidence....
Milton is AngraRules, aka, the idea thief (j/k bro!)
Milton is also the author of Paradise Lost
Paradise Lost is a book
Paradise Lost is also a band
Orphaned Land knows Milton
Orphaned Land covers a Paradise Lost song (Mercy)
:OMG: o_O :yell:
Morticia NL. said:
And I am a huge OL fan who has a PL tattoo.
The flood thing is not a joke. When they were performing in Istanbul it rained cats and dogs!!!! The place was really flooding. Same can be said about Thessaloniki.


Don't tempt Mother Nature.

One hurricane-plagued September in the Southeast is enough. :ill: :D