Barcelona 3th june pics

thx so much thse are good vids and are you there sound pretty cool for being asked by the audience.

I really love the vids of the new anathema's era, I hope to see more vids like those by this forum and i'm really expecting the "were you there" dvd

Btw, Im really sorry I couldn't help more : )
bipster said:
This is for Oceana,

I took the pics with the following settings:
- Increase sensibility to ISO400 (if there is enough light, ISO200 is ok)
- Using the wheel, put the camera in Tv mode
- Using the cursor keys, select a shutter speed of 1/50 to avoid camera shake
blurring your pics
- Using the FUNC button, select burst mode (continous mode) to take several
pics in a row, the first one will be a bit blurred, but the rest will be sharp.
- And last, put yourself near the stage so you don't have to zoom every time to
take pics


oo, thanks for the tips :D