Base Drum sound.


Jul 13, 2003
Hey, just baught a set, not real happy with the base drum sound. I notice some folks use a blanket to deadin the reverberation, and I think that is what I'm looking for. Right now it sounds like I'm hitting a timpini drum, way to much play in the skins! looking for any advice, I need a crisp, tighter sound.
toss in like two pillows or a blanket into it and get yourself a small pad for for the beaters to hit. This should produce a tighter sound as well as ( because of the pad ) cause the skin to last longer.
I can definitely agree with the previous post. I used sound off pads (rubber covers) only a few of them made a huge difference. also Styrofoam . and i have double sided pedals, plastic on one side and soft pads on the other.

basicaly the more stuff you put in the better for metal sound. more click and fit sound.
I don't have any muting on my bass drum.

First, get good heads. I use a Remo Powerstroke III and get an excellent sound.

Loosen the drum head until its totally loose. The keys aren't applying any pressure at all. Then, finger tighten the lugs until its barely tense. Tighten everything just enough so that its all even, and voila! Your bass drum is tuned for metal.

Add a click pad ( your choice depending on how much attack you want ), and you're set.