Bashing other forums can be fun...

lol well...The Sonata Arctica forum is quite possibly the most lame and whack forum on filled with the most cheezy bitches in the world, I mean you gotta be that cheezy to listen to power metal (lol jk jk) But seriously one time I was soooooooooooooooooooooo bored, like none of the forums I post at were moving...and I posted there, lol i felt dirty afterwards, lol there a few cool people there, but its like mad lame dorky but in a bad way :lol: They are all such cheezy bitches that they make me laugh :lol:
Yeah, you gotta check out that Sonata arvtica listening party thread...Man, that sucks!!! When I critisiced the singer there, they
said I only listen to singers that can´t sing or something...weird stuff. Oh, I get a dirty feeling too after having posted there.
nah I think cheezy power metal bitches are much funnier than a bunch of 14 yr olds calling eachother fags..I mean that as hella funny too, but if u troll the Sonata Arctica BB from time to time and hate power metal, especially cheezy bitch power metal...then some of their posts are hilarious! :lol:
Sonata Arctica is a great band, and anyone that criticizes their vocalist is a fucking idiot. That guy is an AMAZING vocalist.

You may not like their style (ironically, they're one of the least cheesy power metal bands out there), but to troll their forums is stupid.

I'm a huge power metal fan. I realize it's cheesy, but I don't listen to music to fit with my own self-image. I listen to music that I like.
What's up with this recent outside-forum-bashing?? It's been happening a bit lately (In Flames, Vintersorg, CC, Sonata, even a bit of tension with Dark Tranquility, although that was a few months ago), there always seems to be some comment floating around. Shouldn't everyone just leave everyone else alone? I mean, the bad people from other forums could easily come over here and trash the place if they took exception to it. And it's a bit lame to be running around with the 'my forum is better than your forum' attitude.
And this place aint exactly a shining example anymore.....
Originally posted by Opethfan1980
Sonata Arctica is a great band, and anyone that criticizes their vocalist is a fucking idiot. That guy is an AMAZING vocalist.

You may not like their style (ironically, they're one of the least cheesy power metal bands out there), but to troll their forums is stupid.

I'm a huge power metal fan. I realize it's cheesy, but I don't listen to music to fit with my own self-image. I listen to music that I like.
Exactly the same here...
I'm glad the CC forum got closed too. It was fuckin moron central.

On that note, go check out the deicide forum for a taste of pure idiocy. It's almost makes me feel sorry for deicide. It's not here at UM though, its on
Originally posted by Cows on million man march
i remeber bashing the neil turbine forum. :lol: that place has no more than 50 threads overall! at the time it only had 26, i started a thread saying "no wonder people dont post here". in total i proably got 3 replies and 4 views or something.

:lol: :lol: You got 3 replies. The 1st was some angry guy calling you a spammer. The second was you asking who Neil Turbin was. Then he got even madder :lol:

You should see the UM Launchpad and the Full Strike forum - I think the Um Launchpad forum has like 20 posts :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Black Heart
god the CC forum was full of racists, i'm glad its closed, its about time that Mark closed it, talking about waste of bandwith..

Actually, its still at UM, its just private it seems. YOu have to have an email that coast CASH to enter.

YEs, me and a few others were behind the big CC board getting shut down. We burned the place up.

IF you you ask me, it was more them, the cc crew who were the real jokers, but they blame ME and BWD to the utmost......We are not liked by those fans.