Basics of philosophy, to help beginners.


Pitiful Newbie
Feb 2, 2006
Reading through this thread, I noticed a few replies where people said they new little or nothing about philosophy, which gave me an idea.

My idea (probably excruciatingly bad) is this, a thread to act as a introduction to philosophy to help people get started and understand what philosophy is about.

I don't think I have the time to write a cmplete one myself, so others need to make additions.

Here is something to start with:

In philosophy, the aim is not to convince people using arguments (as it is in law and many other things), but to refine ideas through discussion. Hopefully we will be able to do so in this thread.

I'd better go to bed, it's 12:14 AM here. G'night.
"In philosophy,the aim is not to convince people using arguments." you say, but this doesn't seem accurate to me. Deduction and induction - use of logic generally is important to philosophy and many philosophers hope to prove something to people or disprove it using arguments. All philosophers are not in total agreement with eachother or with most other non-philosophers. Unless the individual philosopher takes the view that all points of view are equally valid, he must be trying to use argument to make his particular view stand out as being more plausible than another. Isn't this an attempt to "convince people using arguments"?
Norsemaiden said:
"In philosophy,the aim is not to convince people using arguments." you say, but this doesn't seem accurate to me. Deduction and induction - use of logic generally is important to philosophy and many philosophers hope to prove something to people or disprove it using arguments. All philosophers are not in total agreement with eachother or with most other non-philosophers. Unless the individual philosopher takes the view that all points of view are equally valid, he must be trying to use argument to make his particular view stand out as being more plausible than another. Isn't this an attempt to "convince people using arguments"?

I'll probably stuff this up, but I'll have a go at explaining what I mean.

Philosophers may use arguments, but not in the same sort of way as (I will coninue using a earlier example) lawyers.

Lawyers need to persuade people that things are a certian way, (irrespective of the truth?) so that they win their case.

Philosophers, however, need to use them more to prove or disprove something, not just change opinions.

If your agument is valid, you should not need to add convincement. Build your bridges of truth, you will tread safely; build your bridge of persuasion*, you will fall astray.

*would have used a different word, but since I couldn't find one, I'll have to content myself with what I have.

EDIT: Its 11:02 here, so I'll be going to bed soon.
anonymouswierdo said:
I'll probably stuff this up, but I'll have a go at explaining what I mean.

Philosophers may use arguments, but not in the same sort of way as (I will coninue using a earlier example) lawyers.

Lawyers need to persuade people that things are a certian way, (irrespective of the truth?) so that they win their case.

Philosophers, however, need to use them more to prove or disprove something, not just change opinions.

If your agument is valid, you should not need to add convincement. Build your bridges of truth, you will tread safely; build your bridge of persuasion*, you will fall astray.

*would have used a different word, but since I couldn't find one, I'll have to content myself with what I have.

EDIT: Its 11:02 here, so I'll be going to bed soon.

Is it that philosophers are trying to establish the truth, but lawyers simply are trying to persuade people to agree with them - regardless of the truth?
Norsemaiden said:
Is it that philosophers are trying to establish the truth, but lawyers simply are trying to persuade people to agree with them - regardless of the truth?

Difference between philosopher and sophist?
I don't think its possible to define a philosopher, because a true philosopher's view on such a thing will differ from everyone elses.

What a philosopher does, however, is just ponder and think... doesn't necessarily have to do with anything in particular, nor does it not have to.

Philosophy is just questioning something with a logical stand point, or maybe even an illogical stand point.
Norsemaiden said:
Is it that philosophers are trying to establish the truth, but lawyers simply are trying to persuade people to agree with them - regardless of the truth?

Yes, something like that, if not that exactly.

AnvilSnake said:
I don't think its possible to define a philosopher, because a true philosopher's view on such a thing will differ from everyone elses.

What a philosopher does, however, is just ponder and think... doesn't necessarily have to do with anything in particular, nor does it not have to.

Philosophy is just questioning something with a logical stand point, or maybe even an illogical stand poin t.

It may be that we cannot say that a philosopher is exactly this or that, but we can think of gerneral guidelines to help people who haven't done any courses or anything.

The basics of what to do and what not to do, a thin thread to help guide people through the darkness.

infoterror said:
Difference between philosopher and sophist?

Thank you for that, I looked up sophistry (so I would properly know what it is), which caused me to remembeer a word:

Rhetoric. It should be avioded in philosophy, with a few exeptions. Kinda like 7`/|>][/\/9 ][/\/ 1337 :p.
AnvilSnake said:
What a philosopher does, however, is just ponder and think... doesn't necessarily have to do with anything in particular, nor does it not have to.

Cool. I'm a philosopher. Send money to:

PO Box 1004
Alief, TX 77411

infoterror said:
Cool. I'm a philosopher. Send money to:

PO Box 1004
Alief, TX 77411

What does being a philosopher have anything to do with money? :Smokin:

I could use money. Send me money.:kickass:
no we havent really cleared up anything
all i got out of this thread was
philosophers > lawyers
and i'm not even totally sure i believe that

Lawyer>philosophers, if you want to convince people.

Philosopher>lawyers, if you want to come to a conclusion through thought and discussion.