Bass booms, sub bass

Yo dawg, I herd u like breakdowns so we put a breakdown in your breakdown so you can use bassdrops while you drop the bass

Seriously there are 5000 topics if you search for bassdrop etc.
I use the simple synthesis feature in Soundforge.

Find the frequency of the sub note you want, get Soundforge to output a sine wave at that frequency for the desired length, put a pitchbend on the resulting sample and if necessary, saturate a little to give it a touch more harmonic content.

Either that or just use a tuned and low passed 808 kick.

I usually just automate the bass guitar track as loud as humanly possible at the part where I want it to sound hella heavy.

Also EQ everything out during that hella heavy siq part that isn't 50Hz. Then crank dat fiddy as far as it will go.
If you want you could send me an email at
and I can send you a file of the one I use, it sounds just like ones you hear in a lot of hardcore bands.
Try listening to the beginning of "immaculate Misconception" by Motionless in white. That's pretty much what mine is like.