Bass Drop (not traditional)


New Metal Member
Dec 29, 2012
Hey all. First off, awesome site.

Does anyone know how to make a bass drop that isn't the old "thooooooom" style drop? I've heard a few bands use a drop that sounds more like an explosion and I really prefer that one.

As an example, go to 3:40. The drop I'm refering to hits at 3:48

Thanks in advance and again, awesome site!
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Sounds like aregular bass drop with long decay and compressed with a fast release and slow attack, and not too loud in the mix. I can't do the test right now, I don't have a daw in my pc at the moment but try messing with some drops and their decay, compression, pitch shift, etc. I know there are many sub drops in this forum as well as in other metal sites. If you are asking how to actually produce the sound, just use some bassy sounds like low pitched sine waves from plugins, hold the low note and maybe bend it to a lower one with automation with a long decay, and then process it. There are some better guides in this forum or just search 'how to bass drop' in youtube its real simple.