Bass Drops


New Metal Member
Feb 12, 2013
Alright. New member, first post. Question:
There are two types of bass drops (808) that I've heard.
There's, what I'd like to call, the "Frequency Drop" Which is pretty much a sine wave starting from a frequency like 65 Hz (C) descending to a much lower frequency (33 Hz) of the same note (C) while simultaneously dropping in amplitude. Which is demonstrated:


And then there's, what I'd like to call, the "Frequency Boom", which does not drop in frequency, only amplitude. Demonstrated:


Which is "better" In your opinion and why? I tend to use the Frequency Drop, but have thought of the Frequency Boom. Just wanting some opinions is all really.
Depends really. The frequency drop sounds weird on some songs and on the other hand it sounds good on others.
And the 808 kick works better overall.

So I prefer the 808. And it's fun to misplace it so that it doesn't play at the beginning of the bar. Leave like one 8th note before the boom.