Bass for metal: Gain


Feb 23, 2008
Do you guys use gain when you record bass for metal and how much? I know jack shit about bass and I'm trying to decide if I want to record it completely dry or with some mild drive. I've listened to some isolated tracks from albums (lamb of god, dream theater) and they use drive on the bass. What do you guys prefer?
+1 to ahjteam - record it as a dry di and them compress the fuck out of it to get all the bass freq's right

its the easiest non destructive way to record bass - after your di recording process it through amps and gain it up after your compression - i tend to use a mix of di and a bass amp - the bass amp is to cover the low end and the di is to cover the mid freq's. you want to keep the mid in there because if your listening to the mix on a small stereo with fuck all low end your going to hear no bass tonalities but if you keep the mid range in there small stereo's can fill in the space