Bass for small hands?

You might aswell just go for a normal size bass. Or play Mandolin
You'll get used to the size afterawhile, and it wont become such a problem
how much money are you wanting to spend? if youre lookin to spend some cash, go for a rickenbacker.
you're better off learning on a normal scale bass. I too have small hands and I thought it'd be a problem, eventually you develop a perfect technique, it just takes time. Hang in there.
some of those daisy rock guitars arent that bad! mahogany bodies ans whatnot. i wanna buy one. put on some corpse paint, put on a shitload of spiked gauntlets and boot covers and WIELD THE FLOWERY AXE OF DEATH!

you know anything that cute has to be designed by satan \m/
Okay, I'd reccomend an Ibanez Soundgear... my SG400 has a very thin neck, and it has a great range in tones. It also was $300-400 depending on what finish you want. Hope this helps.
Ibanez and Ricks are good to other suggestion I can make is if you want an bass from the 80's, that has a nice, thin nect and awesome action - go on eBay and find an Araya Pro II SB (Superbass). It's the same model Cliff Burton played (you can see part of it in my sig pic). They have oval pearl inlays on the neck, and either a single EMB of Dual EMGs. They sound awesome, and they are perfect for a metal bassist who plays agressive lines. I have pretty small hands, but I just dealt with it and now I play a 34 and 35 inch scale 6 string (84 mm neck at the widest part - so that goes to show you can get used to a big bass)...

Hope this helps...
I have small hands as well, and over time I've gotten used to playing a "normal" sized bass neck. The ones on my handmade B.C. Rich Warlock basses aren't huge, but they're beefy (yet extremely comfortable to play due to the profile)... now, that said, I also have a 1976 Rickenbacker 4001 and I recently picked up a 2001 Gibson Blackbird (Nikki Sixx signature Thunderbird), and they both are 34" scale, but have smaller/thinner necks, and I find them very easy to play, especially since I am used to the necks on my BCRs.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
You have some serious and some not so serious replies here, but I once owned a '63 Gibson SG bass, neck-thru and it was a great guitar. I am 6'1" with large hands (though average length fingers) and can handle a long scale P-bass (Fender Perecision) and currently own a long-scale Peavey Foundation but though that SG might seem outdated, give one a try. I would pay double for what I sold it for now. It was a sweet guitar.

Ricks, B.C. Richs, and Gibsons really aren't all that bad either, allthough some of the gibson necks can be quite chunky. Also, Rick's and Gibsons are 3 times as expensive as an Ibanez or B.C.